39 Weeks


How far along: 39 weeks on the dot

Gender: A big ol’ bundle of boy!

Weight gain: It’s to the point where I don’t feel like myself. A big part of it has to be the summer heat and how swollen my feet and legs are. I’m +45 pounds or so and that sounds like a beast to manage after baby. On the note of swelling … the shoes, perfect and sensible wedges, that I wanted to pair with this dress would not fit on my feet. I looked like one of Cinderella’s step sisters trying to jam it on and resorted to flip flops :(

Sleep: Really awful. I just can’t sleep. And when I do, I wake often to go pee or moan through readjusting. The other night during a roll over saga Dominic reached over and patted me in his sleep saying, “Not much longer, poor, poor wifey.” Yes, poor me.

Best moment this week: Max got into the preschool he was waitlisted at. Amen. Hallelujah. All the thanks for your prayers! I LOVE having my kids at home, but thinking through this next season it was really best for us all for Max to have this opportunity. I’m so excited for him! For all of us!

Worst moment this week: I’ve had some big ups and downs with my freelance and blogging work this month. It’s emotional and little things really rock my days. I hate that I can’t keep better work/home life boundaries. This is the curse of working from home. It all intermingles, all the time.

Miss anything: Not pregnancy related one bit, but I totally miss weekly TV. Can’t wait for the fall shows to get rolling! 


Movement: Oh yes! I can tell things are getting tight in there, ^^^Exhibit A ^^^, but little bubs is still finding ways to rock ‘n roll.  

Cravings: Sandwiches. I just love them. Top pick at this moment is Panera’s Turkey Bravo with extra signature sauce. That sauce, OMG!

Looking forward to: Baby’s birth day! I want to hold off until at least September 1st — TOMORROW. That way all our kids will have their own special birth month.

What Jemma thinks: “I’m not going to do ballet in September. I think I just need to take a few weeks off so I don’t miss any time with our new baby.” #bigsisterextraordinaire

What Max thinks: Every evening he hugs and kisses me goodnight, and then bends down to kiss my belly, “I love you,” he says. The sweetest! I anticipate that these two will be buddies.

What Reid thinks: You guys, he hits my belly. Often. And not in a nice way. 

Darling maternity dress c/o Pink Blush. This specific one, the ivory floral short sleeve fitted maternity dress, is even on sale! I’m wearing a large (because mama is FULL term). Loving this piece too if you’ll be pregnant through the fall! Basically, Pink Blush is where it’s at for maternity, regular, and plus options.

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  1. says

    The rolling over is a legit problem. I feel ya. I told my husband that I feel like a 16 passenger van trying to parallel park on a one way street every time I try to move. haha!!!

    • Gretchen says

      That is so spot on!

  2. says

    Oh my gosh this sounds just like me- ALL OF IT and I’m two weeks behind you. Wahhhh! lol.

    PinkBlush is the only reason I get dressed anymore.

    • Gretchen says

      That’s the truth! Just the enticement I need to get out of a sports bra and elastic waist shorts, lol!