Summer Bucket List Report

The summer bucket list report is here! I’m all for these seasonal goals/lists of fun because it feels much more achievable than annual resolutions. Agree? Disagree? Does your family do bucket lists for seasons?

Either way, it only seemed right to report back on how we did with our plans! It was a full, wonderful summer. This is just a glimpse!

Whip Up Homemade Popsicles

Check! Recipe here :) popsicle

Hatch a Butterfly

This was super fun and Jem has already asked to order “those wittle caterpillars who grow cocoons and ***HATCH*** and become SOOOOO BEAUTIFUL!” Details to order your own caterpillars here! butterflies-3

Visit Northwest Trek

Done! Twice in fact. And officially dubbed the “woods zoo”. The kids love and you can’t beat the view

Go on a Family Swim

Check-ish! Daddy didn’t make it – poor guy has quite the busy season at work during the summer. But I hopped in the pool on a visit to our friend’s new apartment. IMG_6574

Go Berry Picking

YES! Twice! Max turned out to be a much better berry picking than I imagined. IMG_6200

Finish Jem’s Room

It’s done and a whole photo tour is coming next week! Until then, here’s a peek at her gold polka dot book shelf …IMG_9093

Take Family Photos

On the last day of summer’s eve we fit this in – phew! I’ve gotten a few sneak peeks and am in love … with my family AND our darling photographer’s workseptember family photos

And … the ones I missed/forgot/decided to roll to another season’s bucket list because I’m the boss applesauce

  • Visit the Disney Store /// Totally forgot about this! Whatevs. Probably saved my a fifty in some unneeded princess paraphernalia.
  • Visit the Splash Pad /// Boo! Totally missed this! We actually planned to go one day and ended up play T-Ball in the park instead. Which was awesome. So, who cares!

All in all, a fab summer. Just fab. Even though I’m a good week late on kicking off a Fall Bucket List, I still may – I just L-O-V-E Fall! What’s on your Fall bucket list? Give me some inspiration!

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  1. says

    Play in fallen leaves? I always wanted to do that, but the leaves stay on the trees over here lol.

    • Gretchen says

      Good one! I think Max would be crazy excited to make a mess with leaves!