Fly, Butterflies, Fly

Two little memos today on behalf of two fab sponsors —> have you shopped with coupon code WOWHUGGIES yet? You’ll save $12! And, I’ve got a fabulous giveaway coming very soon – start browsing/pinning recipes now so you’ll be ready if you win!

Our schooling is done for the year. I get a D- for planning, an A+ for intentions and a solid B for making learning fun. I’m feeling very overwhelmed by the idea of implementing homeschooling, but equally convicted that it is the right choice. It doesn’t keep me from Googling preschools late at night though. Just when I decide I’m ready to throw in the white towel in the form of a tearful, “OMG, Dom, I lied, homeschooling is CRAZY OVER MY HEAD – sign me out, take me home and I’ll just go back to work to fund private school!” I get an email from God. 

Well, not directly from God, but you know when you’re doubting something and then POOF! out of nowhere you get total affirmation that you’re on the right path? Yeah, that happened around here. Tomorrow I’m meeting with a retiring Montessori teacher because she is gifting me boxes of her materials. Yes, I know, totally swell and such a huge, HUGE blessing!

Ok, now, back to our final homeschool unit – nature. We wrapped up with a focus on butterflies. But not just studying books and doing crafts – we hatched and released our own 5 Painted Ladies! I ordered ours from Insect Lore and will most definitely be getting a refill next year! One, because hearing Jemma say “cocoon” is the sweetest thing. Two, butterflies are something I was able to keep alive! Three, Jem needs a bit longer to decide if butterflies are bugs and therefore worthy of touching her without being spooked … or not.

butterflies 1 butterflies 3 butterflies 5 butterflies 6We drove to a park near the bay to release them. I figured our backyard just wasn’t exciting enough seeing that it’s void of flower … this year. I think they loved it. I mean, they posed for photos, fluttered their wings in a sign language type of flourish to say “thank you” and then flew off to bigger and better adventures.

Fly, butterflies, fly. Perhaps we’ll see you, or your cousin, around soon!

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