This & That

We made it to Friday, friends! Such a victory for me these days. This Friday is extra special though because after my daily nap I’m heading out to coffee with a friend and then dinner with another! It’s sunny and an iced decaf followed by potato pizza drizzled with truffle oil seems massively in order. Wouldn’t you agree?

It’s not all fun and games though. After weeks of laying low I mustered up some energy and caught up on laundry and some other very neglected chores this morning. Oh, first trimester :/ It’s all worth it, of course. Especially since we got to hear baby’s heartbeat yesterday! At just 10 weeks, 4 days! Yay! The best sound ever!!! 

Processed with VSCOcam with a4 presetPlus, it’s berry season in the Northwest! I’ll let you kick off your weekend with a little more this & that for your clicking pleasure …

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  1. Hannah Ervin says

    Hey, that’s me!! Thanks, friend :) can’t wait for Monday night!