A Day (or Two or Three) By the Sea

It took me 47 hours to pack. It always does, which makes me regret “vacations” before they even begin. I mean … it is W-O-R-K to assess your life and take all the essentials plus some. AND, believe it or not, I still forgot the kid’s toothbrushes and toothpaste. #stellarmama

But, when all was said and done, regret was no part of our three day excursion to the sea. It was beautiful and amazing and full of many, many memories. Sadly, Dominic was away on a work trip so don’t think I cut his handsome self out of all these photos. I would do no such thing! I wasn’t alone though, that would be plain silly of me – my mom and two sisters joined us  and they made it a pretty spectacular adventure.

Exhibit A —> If a little boy of almost 2 clutched a huge, plastic shark and proceeded to kiss it and rawr simultaneously would you let the sweet grandma spend $18.99 on it? Yes, yes you would. Max, my son, you best love that shark for many, many moons.


It was not warm, but it wasn’t necessarily cold either. So, they marched towards the sea with buckets in hand, sat in puddles and played in the sand. There is something really special about messy joy.


Free putt-putt golf in the Inn courtyard – yes! I mean, baby Bubba Watson was on a roll! And Dominic is convinced that Jem is going to go for a golf scholarship someday :)



Haven’t you always wanted to rent one of those quad bikes? We have, and so WE DID! Max hated it so we had to circle back around to the car for the Tula. I strapped him on and off we went! We even biked through a drive thru! Then Max fell asleep and the headlines read “babywearing bike riding mom soothes cranky toddler to sleep – boom shaka laka”.

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And then the little crazy woke up and begged to go to the beach. Which, when he says it, sounds nothing like beach and more like, well, I’ll let you imagine.


With little to no naps, these two were hotel champs! I shall most likely take them on vacation again. They fell asleep easy, filled up on continental breakfast and smiled sweetly at fellow guests. Traveling angels you could call them.


One afternoon, the mum and I snuck off for a movie – Fault In Our Stars. So sweet and sad and now I must get the book!


May I introduce, the queen of funny faces …

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Oh look, she wore off on her brother and then managed to crack a somewhat normal smile. That girl. Full of funny and wit and all sorts of pretty. I heart her a whole stinkin’ lot. Especially since these days she’ll yell at me and say “I love you mom!” while bending her fingers into the I love you sign. It’s real darling.

Ok – toddler Tula brag. So so so so so amazing. Jem and Max both weigh 35 pounds and we’d be lost without our Tulas. Look how great of a knee-to-knee seat it gives grown up kids …

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“Wa-wa” and “biiiiiiiirds” were the highlight of Max’s sightseeing …


And boats, of course …

If I ever set sail, which I won’t, because I can’t swim and get quite woozy at sea, I’d want a boat like this one from Dutch Harbor, Alaska …

IMG_4955Favorite photo alert!!! So blessed that my mama grabbed the camera and snapped this treasure of my babies and I.




Oh, look, Birkenstocks again.

IMG_4983 IMG_4985 Mom confession – I let Max sit on the table during meals sometimes. He’s much happier and makes much less mess for some reason.


We’ve been having a goggle war at swim class :/ Then we found Ariel goggles at the beach and BOOM! now we looooooove goggles. Oh, to be three!


Words can’t even describe how happy I am that Jem and Max have such an adventurous Mimi. She gets right down into their activities, gives fabulous piggyback rides and makes their time together magical with surprises, snuggles and so much love.


The beauty of almost 2 – coloring is the shizz!


Goodbye ocean, we’ll be back soon!

IMG_4997 IMG_4998 Not pictured —> the sister’s adventure to the casino where Lady Luck did me wrong to the tune of $19. That was a cryin’ shame and has cured me of my interest in gambling. Well, that and the smoke. Yuck.

Also not pictured —> The pizza, the fish ‘n chips, the Mexican, the ice cream and the Fruit By the Foot and Pop Rocks we introduced Jemma too :) It may be about time for a cleanse/detox!

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  1. says

    LOVE it! We leave in the morning for our vacation! How long of a drive was it for you? I'm about halfway packed and getting more and more anxious by the moment that I'm forgetting things… although the kids' toothbrushes and paste are already packed (that's what happens when you *have* to open what the dentist gave you even though you have fresh ones). It's our first ever trip that will put us in the car for more than 2 hours at a time, crossing state borders AND traveling to another country. lol. Because part of my family lives in Canada, I've never considered it exotic, but the state department does not agree with me… waaaayyyy too much prep for a little trip!

    • says

      It was about 1 1/2 hours, although we take 2ish hour trips once a month or so to the grandparents so that's our norm. We haven't tried farther! Well, Jem did a 6 hour stretch once. I don't think Max would like that right now … perhaps by next summer we'll try something a bit farther :)

  2. says

    How fun! Growing up here in Tacoma, my family has only gone to visit Ocean Shores, but I would love to stay overnight one time. Each time I go, I want to ride the horses, so maybe one day for that also. I don’t remember seeing those pedal things you had, but it sure looks fun! Glad your kiddos had fun! :)

    • says

      I didn't see any horses! The big bikes were at a place close by to Bennett's Fish Shack :)

  3. pierogiemama says

    Love all these pictures! I bought a sand castle building set a few weeks ago in hopes of a beach trip soon ;)