Outings with three … big bow ear warmers, c/o Nap Time Creations MO | blouse + socks, American Eagle | vest, thrifted | leggings, Nordstrom | boots, hand-me-down from a college friend | rings, Valentine’s Day gift | iced coffee with lid c/o Cuppow
In the last few weeks I’ve added “mom to three” to my resume – my two and a friend’s little one. It’s only been a day and a half total, but, both days included outings! That means I’ve earned an official high five and gold star. One day we went to the library and another to the children’s museum. You guyz … this is big! Three kids means I was totally outnumbered. And I rocked it. And yes, I will brag about that. Because. THREE. KIDS. ONE. ME.
Because of this, I definitely have a false sense of the “ease” of mothering three and am sure hopin’ this doesn’t launch me into full baby fever. Because truly, I’m loving the stage we’re at right now. Jemma and Max are the sweetest and we’ve got the most divine routine. It’s not easy or simple, but I also don’t cry daily either. So yeah, two kids is just fab for now.
For months, Jemma has loved photography so when I told her I needed a few photos of my I’m-rocking-three-kids outfit she jumped at the chance. We settled the boys with a snack on the front porch and she got snapping. Seriously though friends, it’s time I find a tripod, timer and/or an app that helps with this sort of thing. Ideas?
The weather turned chilly pretty quick so we hustled inside, lest I let one of the children catch pneumonia on my watch. Thanks to the longstanding winter around here I’ve fallen in love with this big bow ear warmer from the sweet Cathy at Nap Time Creations MO. Perfect for cold days with three children, or just my normal two :)
Since it’s still winter just about everywhere, Cathy’s giving away a $25 shop credit so you can snag your own ear warmers … or anything else from her shop! Enter below and peruse her shop for other crocheted lovelies with 20% off coupon code, THATMAMA14. I’m smitten with this for a little one!
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Jemma has a good eye! ;) love these! You got stylish down
well aren't you the cutest thing ever?