The Thankful List

In my dreams, this is my Thanksgiving centerpiece. In reality we’ve got so much food filling the table, there is no place for a pumpkin display … and that deserves ample thanks!

And a few more noteworthy thanks for today. This barely chips the iceberg. This mama has so much to be thankful for!

1 /// A hardworking husband who supports my dreams. We don’t see eye to eye on everything and there are many ways we are working to grow our marriage and care for one another, but more than anything we both know we’re in this together. We’re working hard and taking our family to places we never could have imagined when we united our lives together 6 years ago. I’m uber blessed to call Dominic mine and can’t thank him enough for his commitment to his career, to our family and to all my hopes and dreams. We joke that he always gives me whatever I want … it’s just the timing that is up in the air sometimes. So, far he’s doing mighty fine at checking off my crazy list! xoxo

2 /// Our first home! For once we’re not anticipating a move and that my friends, is something to be hugely thankful for!

3 /// New babies … and no, I don’t mean mine :) I’ve had a bushel of friends poppin’ out little munchkins lately. Good things come in waves like that. There are two more on the docket before the end of the year, one being my dearest, best friend from childhood’s second! I love that we both had girls first and now we have/are welcoming sons.

4 /// Speaking of friends, this lady, this one, and this gal are all on my thankful list. The internet is a real place where life and encouragement are shared. It’s pretty wonderful.  

5 /// My one year old and three year old. I’m eating up these ages – they’re the best! They’ve got listening ears and hearts made for fun and laughter. Every single freakin’ day is a trip and I love it.

6 /// Mom dates. With Jem and Max getting older, they’re more and more comfortable staying with someone besides mama. This means a wee dose o’ sanity for me. Most recently, a mom dates in the form of a Mud Bay martini, good conversation, a bucket of popcorn and Catching Fire. Another date is gettin’ on the books ASAP!

7 /// And now, the little, superficial things that just make me smile – chocolate covered potato chips, gel nail polish (just got this for the first time and I have zero chips after a billion loads of dishes, Thanksgiving prep, the wedding and all the other crazy mom stuff I do like breaking open My Little Pony boxes and picking dolphin stickers off of my nightstand), rain boots, great shopping sales, epsom salt and oil baths, my iPhone and fancy burgers.

8 /// The Pacific Northwest. I’ll never stop being thankful for this gorgeous part of the country I live in. The weather is wet, but cozy; it’s crisp and cold and absolutely perfect. If I ever leave it will be an act of God.

Truly, I could go on and on. I’m thankful. Period. For so many things and in so many ways. Through all the ups and downs of the last year, the Lord has stayed constant. Steady and strong. Affirming and reassuring me that the road I’m on is less traveled, but worth it in ways I can’t yet fathom. That is a lesson I’m thankful for … and still learning. And, as motherhood goes, one I’m trying to teach my children as I learn it myself.

Happy Thanksgiving, my friends! Don’t forget to freeze your extra pumpkin pie filling (or I think pie would work too!) for these pumpkin smoothies from Ree! I’ll be sipping one soon!

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  1. says

    It looked like regular stuff, but they heat set it on and applied 3 coats – heating for 30 seconds in between each. No chips yet!

  2. says

    Oh, I'm so thankful for you too! I hope your Thanksgiving was amazing. Ours was lovely!