It’s Sunny in the PNW

We had a rare break in the Pacific Northwest’s rainy winter. We marched outside without rain gear and no socks for a little neighborhood exploration.
Jemma owned the sidewalk – snapping her fingers to the song in her head and swaying her arms back and forth, smiling at the sun and kissing the wind that blew her blonde hair.
She’s my little nature girl and I can’t wait for the sunny days ahead.
Photos c/o of Jemma’s Aunt Kiki – an aspiring children’s photographer if you ask me!
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  1. says

    So stinking cute! I'm excited for sunshine too! Park playdates are the best! :) hope you're having a great trip!

  2. says

    such a cutie. hooray for sunny days. We have just had two of them after about 15 wet ones.