Max’s Corner

Since I was pregnant with Max we have moved 3 times. That means he didn’t get all the pomp and circumstance of a nursery to welcome him into the world. He did get a pretty awesome family though so I don’t think he is complaining much :) Plus, since we tend to cosleep or bedshare in the early months and years, Max doesn’t have his own room. But, the little mister does have his own corner in our master bedroom and it’s finally complete!
Crib | IKEA
Sheet | Litto Kids
Rocking Chair | The one my mama rocked me in
Cushions | World Market
Chalkboard Platter | DIY tutorial here
Bear Canvas | c/o BoomBoom Prints
M-A-X | JoAnn’s, painted by me
Bible Verse Art | A gift from my sweet friend, Leah
Max’s collage wall is really the shining star of his corner. It all started with the bear canvas — well, it could have been many different things, but I finally landed on a bear because Max reminds me so much of a little bear :) BoomBoom Prints has a bajillion silhouette options to choose from and it’s super easy to build a customized piece of art for your little one’s nursery or corner or play room. Just select your silhouette, choose your two colors and then the printing option … Boom! Done!

There is even a fab option to visualize your print in a room … brilliant, huh?

So, that’s the bear canvas that started it all. From there I scrolled the meaning of Max’s name – great strength – on the chalkboard platter with my favorite chalk pen, the Allary Chalk Cartridge Set. Leah, my artsiest friend ever, designed Max’s life verse, Isaiah 40:31 and I painted 3D kraft letters a navy color … oh the project benefits of having a child with only a 3 letter name :)
Normally I would have called on Dominic for placement help, but I eyeballed the collage starting with the bear and MAX and then instead of getting his nail and hammer help I opted for Command Strips. Oh dear me, I’m in love with those things and will be Command Stripping everything! The medium strength was more than enough for each of these pieces.
And now it’s time for a little high five for this mama. Max’s corner is complete … and it took less than a year. Small goals make happy mamas :)
Disclaimer: The hip grey and green bear silhouette print was given to us by BoomBoom Prints to spice up Max’s corner. Use code THATMAMA10 for 10% off orders over at BoomBoom Prints – there are so many amazing designs and colors to choose from!

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  1. says

    Good for you for setting aside some Max space. We also moved 4 times in Penny's first 18 months, and co-sleeping kind of gave me the excuse to put that off.Now we have our permanent home and Ruby on the way.. so I've been brainstorming how to turn in what is currently Penny's room into a great sister room. It'll be a while before Ruby sleeps in there, but bedrooms aren't just for sleeping anymore :)