Without getting too sappy and crying all over my keyboard about my baby sister getting married, I’m gonna share a few photos from Hannah’s bridal shower this past weekend!
Since Hannah and Aaron are new college graduates and have yet to have apartments of their own they are truly that couple who needs just about everything to start their lives together. I’m talkin’, this girl don’t have a broom to call her own let alone a vacuum or set of dishes!
Katie and I decided to attack their bare kitchen cupboards first with a kitchen themed bridal shower. But not just any kind of kitchen party … a Pampered Chef one! Did you know Pampered Chef hosts bridal registry parties? It’s so super awesome and really easy to host! Pretty much … the bride registers with her PC consultant, everyone comes, enjoys good food and places an order – something for the brides and something for themselves if they like! One of the great perks is that the bride acts as the party host and earns all the host credit and special deals!
Ok, on to the photos! We pulled some elements of the actual wedding into our decor … it’s just so Hannah … all vintage and chic and beautiful!
Keep your eye out for the photo of the wishing tree. Our fabulous Pampered Chef consultant, Rachel, made it especially for Hannah’s party! All the branches held little tags of things Hannah registered for so it was easy for guests to choose their gift and add it to their order! Rachel also brought a crisp white apron for everyone to sign and write their kitchen wishes and advice to Hannah on! A perfect kitchen themed guest book!
If you want to host a Pampered Chef party here in the Northwest I HIGHLY recommend Rachel! If you’re not in the area but have a hankering for something from PC you can place an order on her site and have it shipped directly to you :)
And yes, I totally know that I have the most gorgeous baby sister! If you only knew her in person, you’d see that her heart is just as beautiful as she is! I can’t wait to share in her special day – November 26th is just around the corner!
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Gorgeous bride to be!
…Can you plan my next party? Pretty please? Seriously.
Are you doing shower down south? Because I know a mama who just may want to help out :)
Gorgeous bride to be! …Can you plan my next party? Pretty please? Seriously.
Are you doing shower down south? Because I know a mama who just may want to help out :) -Gretchen
So awesome! That black and white with the three of you makes me cry a little bit… not gonna lie.
I hear ya! When did we get so old???
So awesome! That black and white with the three of you makes me cry a little bit… not gonna lie.
I hear ya! When did we get so old???