Today is all about this little sassafras!
It’s her first day of preschool so I thought I’d commemorate this fabulous milestone with a little ABCs inspired by Chelsea over at Sunny With a Chance of Sprinkles! I mean, I have to do something other than sit around and cry over my baby. Going to school. Without me. While being happy and ecstatic about seeing her “teeeeacher” and “frands”! Or so she has been telling me all. week. long.
And now, the ABC’s of Jemma!
A is for apple. Not just for school though. Apples are Jemma’s favorite fruit. Preferably in slices or a dash of apple juice in her water.
B is for bestie. I know it’s not parental and all to say that Jem is my bestie. But we spend every single day together and I tell her all about my life as we go about it. She laughs with me, wipes my tears, says the funniest things and gives me a hard time all while telling me I’m “beee-utiful” … totally bestie material.
C is for clothes. Every day I ask Jemma, “Do you want to wear a dress or shirt/pants today?” She always has something particular in mind and it’s fun to see what she decides on. C could also be for “chocowit”, Jemma’s favorite treat :)
D is for Dora the Explorer and Doc McStuffin, robably Jemma’s 2 favorite TV shows right now. The only other contenders for “D” would be decaf (she always asks for a sip of mine!) and dinosaurs.
E is for empathy, one of Jemma’s greatest traits. She has empathy like no other and I know this will blossom into a beautiful gift she can use to comfort others.
F is for friends. I’m really praying that Jemma finds a wonderful little friend at school. Her closet girl friends (or the ones who I’d imagine would be her closest) live in Hawaii, Idaho and Texas. She has a handful of little boy friends. But with a brother around every day, I’d really like her to have a close girl friend too. So, with two other little girls in her class, I’m hoping they become a sweet little troop. And, I’m kind of hoping their mommy’s want to be my friend too :)
G is for Mama Gretchen. That’s what Jemma calls me when she wants to get my attention these days!
H is for hugs. Jemma gives the best ones. I always ask for an extra big one and boy oh boy does she deliver!
I is for ice cream, probably her most favorite treat. She always asks for “chocawit”.
J is for JEMMA! Before Dominic and I ever discussed children, I told him I loved the name Gemma. I even tore out a magazine ad of a chubby little girl and wrote, “Hi Dad, my name is Gemma!” I thought it might help the name grow on him, if I could put a sweet face to it. I really wanted my daughter to have a “G” name so I could hand down my monogrammed jewelry to her. When it came time to name Jemma, Dominic said he just couldn’t buy into the “G”, but he did like the name. So, Jemma became Jemma and it totally fits. A “J” is so strong and really a beautiful letter if you think about it. I’m so happy she has her own special initial and with the popularity of Gemma rising, I’m happy that although pronounced the same, she has a surprising twist with the “J”.
K is for Kiki. Of all people, Jemma’s Aunt Kiki is probably her #1. They’re the most fun duo. Kiki balances super fun and super structure like no other. It must be the teacher in her.
L is for “listen and obey”. This is the current lesson we’re really focusing on around these parts. Listen to what mommy says and then obey. We practice with little things so when big things come along, she’ll be ready.
M is for Minnie Mouse. Whenever Jemma sees her Daddy or Mimi’s iPad she begs to watch Minnie Mouse’s Bowtique! And let me tell you, classic cartoons are so awesome compared to many of the programs on now.
N is for naps. I thought Jemma gave hers up over the summer. She was going strong either skipping or fighting, but all of a sudden we’re back to napping for a solid 1-2 hours with no problem at all. Praise the Lord!
O is for octopus. Max has a pair of octopus pajamas that are a 3T. They fit him just fine and come to find out, Jemma too! They are one of her favorite pairs to “borrow” from his jammie bin. That’s right – between Jemma’s height and Max’s pudge, they’re sharing a lot of clothes these days!
P is for Jemma’s favorite color … PURPLE! And her favorite book, Too Purpley, which is just darling.
Q is for quesadillas. Her most requested meal these days. Always with a side of sour cream for dipping.
R is for rain. Jemma is so glad the fall weather is upon on. It sounds awful, but she really dislikes the sun. She cries, “It’s too hot!” And says, “Oh no, the sunshine is on me!” We walked outside the other day and she said, “Oh my, the rain is on me!” I asked is she wanted a coat and she responded, “No way!”
S is for Skyla. Well, Princess Skyla of My Little Pony. I found her at Wal-Mart on the $1 clearance and later saw her at Toys R Us for $18 – score! She’s Jem’s favorite these days. Princess Skyla comes everywhere with us, still in her box, oddly enough.
T is for towers. Jemma is a pro builder. Wedgits are her favorite building materials right now.
U is for unicorn. When Aunt Kiki was cleaning out her room she ran across a plastic, squishy unicorn with a purple mane and lots of glitter. It had been an inside joke while Kiki was at college and she offered it to Jemma as a token of appreciation for all the cleaning help :) That unicorn is a favorite around here! Jem will even nap with her. Which can’t be very comfortable, but apparently like Princess Skyla (in the box) comfort isn’t the main requirement for nap time snuggles.
V is for vacuum. Jemma used to be scared of it, but now that Max is here she has taken vacuuming as the perfect opportunity to love on and comfort her brother.
W is for washing teeth. I’ve never referred to brushing teeth as washing teeth, but Jemma does and I think it’s the cutest.
X is for for XOXO. Whenever Jem colors pictures for her grandparents, that’s how we sign them – hugs and kisses, hugs and kisses.
Y is for “yuv you”. My most favorite words to hear her say :)
Z is for zippers. If her outfit has one, it must be zipped. All the way. No half zips allowed around here!
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cheese roll-ups are a huge hit in our house but not some much with the quesadillias..
I don't know what it is about them … I cut them into triangles and she inhales them!
Loved learning more about your sweet little Jemma! So glad you enjoyed my post enough to do one of your own, too! Weren't some letters so difficult?! Such good memories though!
Some letters were hard!!! I almost gave up on a few! Thanks so much for the inspiration!