Jemma Pie, Jemma Poodle, Mama’s Favorite Little Doodle …
Yes, it’s true. Sometimes we make up silly little rhymes together. This happens to be one of your favorites – you smile big and expect a tickle along with it.
This month you have been through a whirlwind. We’ve been packing and moving. You’ve had different nap times, early bedtime, late bedtime, meals on the go … so many changes and new places. You’ve weathered it all so well and have been Mama’s #1 helper. We’ve gotten some great snuggle naps together and each day I’m more and more blessed to have you as my girl.
XOXO Sweetheart … Mama loves you!
P.S. This month is pretty fun because you turn 20 months on Aunt Hannah’s 20th birthday. You two have a special bond since you were both born on the 2nd! Yay for #2!
- The other morning, while I was still sleeping, you woke up and poked me in the eyes and nose saying both. Then you parted my lips and said, “teeeeef” before erupting in giggles!
- You loves to hold a bowl of Cheerios and sprinkle them on the floor for Aunt Hannie’s dog, Riley, to eat up. Whenever he finds one you cracks up laughing and toss another Cheerio in a different direction for him to find.
- The weather is finally starting to get nicer and you LOVE the outdoors. Just walking, exploring, and feeling the wind.
- We captured some adorable pictures of you loving on your little brother during our family photo shoot.
- After your milk, before you fall asleep you give me quite a few sleepy kisses on my cheek or lips … I love it!
- Helping to open presents at brother’s baby shower.
- Putting on necklaces – you love to accessorize everyday
- Playing with my vintage popper toy
- Puzzles!
- Can you say coloring? Jem, you absolutely love it! Especially with markers. Which Mimi let you try out when visiting her Kindergarten class … bad idea.
- Kissing your grandparent’s kitty on the nose and petting her soft fur … and using her as a pillow
- Playing peek-a-boo with a blanket over your head
- Caillou, Yo Gabba Gabba, and Sesame Street are your movies of choice
- Playing Peek-a-Boo Barn on Daddy’s iPad
- You has started referring to herself as “baby”
- Signing “thank you” all the time
- Signing “please”
- Identified grandpa as “Pops” while shopping with him at the grocery store
- Saw Aunt Katie pull into the driveway and said “Kiki” … which is Katie’s nickname
- Says “I see” when you wants to look at something
- Almost able to say “button” when you are searching for my or your belly button … it sounds mostly like “buuuuuuuuuuu” with a giggle at the end :)
- “Bye bye” – very clear and defined. Waves to cars, when family leaves, and whenever you get her boots on and head for the door :)
- “Mouth”
- “MOOOOOO!” and “Baaaa” for cows and sheep
- Mexican everything! You loves to hold her own burrito or taco and chomp away.
- Luna bars. I had some mini ones tucked away, the macadamia nut ones, and you thinks they are the best treat in the whole wide world!
- Berries! It’s gonna be a yummy summer.
- You’ve taken a liking to hemp milk over all other milks.
- Nutella, not the healthiest thing, but a thin layer on toast makes you one happy girl
- Cereal with milk – you are getting so adept with a spoon
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Oh, so sweet! Those first attempts are words are too cute, too. Watch out, because the verbal volcano will come soon!
I can feel the volcano coming … it's so exciting :)
It is! My son amazes me everyday.