For the last few months I’ve been keeping track of bucket list items on my phone. Things I want to do, but will have to be intentional about doing. Not really a to-do list that I’ll scratch off just to be done with it, but more of a “I hope these dreams come true” list and I’m going to ever so carefully plan and savor each experience.
I don’t really have a deadline. I’m just going to do my best to always have the next one or two things in sight. I’m planning to continually add over the years and track events and accomplishments as they occur. I’m even giving myself the leway to cross things off if I change my mind or lose the passion/interest to complete them. It’s my list, so I’m in charge :)
The start of my official bucket list includes …
- Attend a real ballet, prefably not the Nutcracker
- Write an eBook, I have no idea on what, this will most likely be a ways down the road
- Read all of the Little House on the Prairie books with Jemma + Max
- Jog/run a 5K
- Be published in a magazine, and not necessarily an article or anything, just one of those “submit your idea/comment and if we choose you, we’ll pay you $100”
- Visit Vancouver, B.C., preferably before my passport expires in 2017
- Build a backyard garden, mostly for flowers and some select veggies
- Switch to manual photography for the majority of my pictures
- Complete my LLL training
- Get Lasik, I’m totally freaked out to have surgery on my eyes so I very well may chicken out on this one
- Visit the house my great grandparents left in Switzerland
- Learn to sew zippers (and sew them well)
I’m excited to continue adding to “The List”! Pitch me your ideas and please share what you’ve done/hope to do from your own bucket list! I’m sure you’ll all inspire me!
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I LOVE bucket lists. you should check out the day zero project if you haven't already :)ps- I really want to get Lasik, too… but the idea of it totally freaks me out so… we'll see. Be sure to blog abotu it if you do get it done!
Zippers are easy! I just ddi my first one ever a few months ago and I couldn't believe it. Invisible zippers are amazing. You tube has videos and I bought a zipper foot from amazon – amazing.
I'm glad to hear that! I haven't unpacked my sewing machine yet, but zippers are one of my first projects I want to try. My goal is to replace all the Ziploc bags we use to store Jemma's toy sets! I'd do Velcro, but zippers seem more durable long term and Jem much prefers zipping things so I'm hoping it will make picking up exciting :) Is that wishful thinking?
I had my eyes fixed and I am petrified of eye surgery too! But it was the best thing I've ever done in my life, I'm glad I did it! I would cry when I told people how glad I am for the first few months, that's how life changing it is!