Spring Fashion Week | Take One

So, being true to myself in this crazy role of mothering I’m a little behind. But I still wanted to jump in and prove that I actually get dressed on occasion. Like twice in two days!
Thanks for the inspiration, Deanna!
tank, nordstrom | cardi, target | jeans, citizens of humanity via consignment | sandals, american eagle

I springified this outfit with sandals even though it was much to chilly. Then wore it to community group.
dress, H&M | sweater, old navy | flats, target via consignment | belt, target
A dress! For church! This goodie has seem me through so much … 9 months preggo, prepartum (is that a word?) and now postpartum. Love her. Kind of makes me want to trek to H&M stat to see if there are any spring treasures worth throwing my personal money at.

I’ll do my best to take off my Ellie leggings (my current SAHM fashion obsession) and put on some other spring pieces this week. No promises. 

delirious rhapsody

P.S. I really need fashion pose advice! Look at the camera? Don’t? Smile? Smirk? Where do my hands go?!?! Heavens! I wanna look chic like Kendi or Blair or Kacia :)

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  1. Rachel G says

    Personally, I prefer silly fashion poses above any other kind, but that may just be me. At the very least, I think happy fashion posing is to be preferred over stone-faced fashion posing. :) Gotta love a dress as versatile as that one!

  2. Sarah says

    Both outfits are so cute! I love the top one. Great colors on you.

  3. says

    i love your second outfit so much! and the color of your cardigan in the first picture is wonderful!i'm glad you linked up. :)

  4. Joanna says

    I have the H & M dress, too and it is awesome. You totally rocked it! I love the cardigan and ballet flats with it… what a great idea!

  5. OvertiredMommy.com says

    I love the top in the first outfit! Also your dress is so cute!

  6. ThatMamaGretchen says

    Thanks for the tip! I'm all for a mysterious look :)

  7. ThatMamaGretchen says

    Thanks so much! Cardis are definitely my mom staple :)

  8. ThatMamaGretchen says

    I totally agree about happy poses. I feel like I look mad whenever I attempt a serious face!

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  11. Rachael says

    I'm so glad you joined up! Both outfits are adorable! I especially love the gold belt in the second outfit and the bright top in the first! You're a very fashionable lady and I hope you can post more outfits throughout the week (but I know you're a mom so no pressure!)

  12. says

    LOVE the colors in that first one — mustard, red, grey…

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