When I ran across L’s blog I pretty much fell in love. She’s too hilarious for words and just so happens to be a fellow NW gal. I’m so happy she is here sharing today! I know you’ll <3 here like crazy too.
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Hi, I’m L from Leather & Lace (no, it’s not an S&M blog). i’m a slightly narcissistic 20-something with a husband (JJ), baby girl (Gemma…i didn’t copy Gretchen, i swear! we both just obviously have fabulous taste) and dog (Foxy Cleopatra). we (currently) live in Seattle where i try to add my own touch of style and flair amongst the sea of North Face jackets. i’m always finding myself in hilariously weird situations that warrant honest documentation. embrace the crazy.
- What is one goal you hope to complete in the next year get myself to the Wizarding World of Harry Potter at Universal Studios.
- Share about your favorite moment as a mama from the last month seeing Gemma’s face for the very first time. After 30 hours of intense labor, she was the perfect prize!
- What is your guilty pleasure ooooh Kardashians, when will you stop being so ADDICTING?! also reese’s pieces. and Dior mascara. OH and taco bell. I have a lot of guilty pleasures.
- Describe your perfect day wake up after a full 8 hours of uninterrupted sleep to a plate of chocolate chip pancakes. Then off to Disneyland with JJ and Gemcake. A stop at TJ Maxx with an unlimited budget, then dinner of the finest cheese and champagne in all of France. All whilst wearing my favorite tutu skirt (pictured). Then home to snuggle with my little family
- What book have you recently read and enjoyed The Red Tent by Anita Diamant
- What is one of your favorite products for babies/toddlers/children aden +anais bamboo swaddling cloths! also love Little Giraffe blankets, the WubbaNub pacifier and the Bugaboo Bee stroller.
- What is your most prized household tip (could be a recipe, cleaning routine, money saving idea, etc.) marry a husband who loves to cook.
Would you like to join the Meet That Mama feature? I’d love to have you! Just send me an email (thatmamagretchen@gmail.com) or leave a comment and I’ll send you the interview questions!
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I loooove L! One of the funniest ladies out her in blog world, fun post!