Meet That Mama | Kelley from Brixton Makes Three

Kelley makes me grin from ear to ear – I love her inspiring posts, especially those that deal with her post-baby bod. It takes a real mama to bare it all and share their journey towards health and wellness! Show her some love and maybe even blog about your own journey! While you’re over in Kelley’s blogland be sure to check out her 40 before 40 list and don’t miss this post either!
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I’m Kelley and I’ve been blogging since November of 2010.  My blog, Brixton Makes Three, is my personal dumping ground for my life: the good, the bad, the ugly.  I chronicle baby milestones of my 14 month old, my ever-failing “getting the last bits of baby weight” weight loss journey, and my struggle with depression.  In between all that I like to travel, explore my adopted city of Chicago, and eat!  (Maybe related to weight loss fail??)

One goal you hope to complete in the next year … I hope to finally reach my pre-baby weight AND lose another 7 lbs..weight I put on since being married!  I’m turning 35 (!!!) this November and it’s not going to get any easier the longer I put it off!

Recent favorite mama moment … Brixton is starting to talk and it really warms my heart to hear his little voice coming out of his mouth.  I speak German to him at home and it’s starting to pay off!  He understands a lot of things in German and some of his first words are also German ones!

Guilty pleasure … It’s not really earth-shattering, but I love to nap and I do almost every day.  Yes, I could use that 1-2 hours to get stuff done around the house, but I’m tired!  And I feel SO MUCH better afterwards!

Recently read book …  I just finished this book called Those Who Saved Us.  Can’t remember the author, but wow.  A German woman during WWII had a secret relationship with a Jewish doctor, had his child and then does what she has to to survive. 

Favorite Bible verse … I am horrible at memorizing scripture, but I am constantly thinking about the Proverbs 31 wife and how unlike her I am!  I’ve grown a lot as a Christian these last few years, but I have A LOT of work to do. A journey that is never complete and never gets easier, but is worth it. 

Most prized household tip … This is a tip for ladies with a multi-level house.  I’ve lived in several and I just now figured this out.  Get a basket of some sort.  I found one at HomeGoods for $12.  It’s my upstairs-downstairs basket.  So I fill it upstairs with stuff that belongs downstairs and when I go downstairs and put all that stuff away, I fill it again with stuff that belongs upstairs.  Much easier than making multiple trips and the basket is a cuter holding zone than just dumping stuff into a pile somewhere!

Thanks for reading! Come by, say hi, and stay a while!

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