Baby Shower Memory Game

Leah planned the best game for my baby shower back in June – everyone loved it and the prizes were genius! Pretty much, it was a basic game of memory in group fashion. All the cards were labeled with pregnancy/birth terms and there were coordinating candy prizes. Here’s the list …

Twins – Mike & Ike’s
Hospital Bills – 100 Grand
Labor & Delivery – Push Pop
Daddy’s Name – Sugar Daddy
Mama’s Name – Mamba
Lullaby – Symphony
Umbilical Cord – Twizzlers or Red Vines
Positive Pregnancy Test – SKOR
Epidural – Lifesavers
Baby Fat – Rolos
Dirty Diaper -Raisinettes
Pacifier – Ring Pop
Engorged Breasts – Mounds
Breastfeeding – Midnight Milky Way
Triplets – 3 Musketeers
Bundle of Joy – Almond Joy
Sleep Deprivation – Coffee Nips
Stretch Marks – Jelly Bellies
Contractions – Whopper
Mom’s Nap Time – Take 5 or Fastbreak
Mama’s Reaction to a “blow out” on Daddy – Snicker
Isn’t that super creative? I’m sure Leah’s 5th grade teacher skills come into play when dreaming up and planning games like this!
Can you think of any other word/candy combos that would work for this game?
… Oh so many ways to follow along …
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  1. Amy Dowling says

    That is SUPER creative. Love it!!! Totally using this for a friend in the future! : )

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  3. says

    Thank you for the help!! How about: Daddy’s name=Big Hunk