Welcome to the June 2012 Carnival of Natural Parenting: Embracing Your Birth Experience
This post was written for inclusion in the monthly Carnival of Natural Parenting hosted by Code Name: Mama and Hobo Mama. This month our participants have written about at least one part of their birth experience that they can hold up and cherish.
It has taken a long time for me to feel comfortable and confident with experiencing another birth. So much of my first was a surprise. I walked away with a beautiful, healthy baby girl and sadly, a hefty dose of fear.
When I found out I was expecting again I was thrilled! No amount of pain, birth trauma, or surprise can outweigh the joy of mothering your children. But I was also fearful. What if I had to transfer again? What if my birth took days? What if I couldn’t do it?
I shared a bucket of tears with my midwife as we relived my first birth and I asked questions to better understand. I felt like verbal processing would help me to overcome my fear and fully embrace my first birth experience. Thankfully, it did. I was able to wrap up my first birth in a nice little package and write “Good job, you did it!” on the tag.
Even though many elements were a surprise I have been able to accept and acknowledge the troubles I faced … and most of all, the troubles I overcame. Part of this processing has been to focus on all the positives; everything that did go according to plan.
- I chose an amazing support team. All throughout my birth I was emotionally and physically supported by the best birth partner, That Dad Dominic, my two midwives and their apprentices. Even when I transferred to the hospital, they were there cheering me on and advocating on my behalf.
- I learned so much about birth. Many of the things I read about birth, I was able to experience. I walked through contractions, climbed stairs, went outside, had acupuncture, was adjusted by a chiropractor, laid down, sat backwards on a chair, took a shower, had counter pressure, had an epidural, and pushed while squatting, on all fours, on the toilet, in a bed, and in the tub.
- My birth ended vaginally. When I arrived at the hospital, 32 hours after my water broke, I was definitely in the window of a recommended c-section according to hospital procedures. Thankfully, they allowed me to get an epidural so I could rest and resume pushing before considering a c-section. Eight hours after checking in I birthed my baby vaginally – I wasn’t at my location of choice, but I did birth in my preferred manner.
- My baby was happy and healthy through it all. Even though I went through quite a bit, Jemma was never once in distress. She was born pink and squishy and snuggled up to me in her first moments earth side. Holding her in my arms made everything worth it!
By focusing on the positives of my birth experience I’ve been able to approach brother’s birth with a clean slate. I understand things could go the same way, better, or worse. More importantly, I know I accomplished a great thing when I birthed Jemma, and I know I can do it again.
Visit Code Name: Mama and Hobo Mama to find out how you can participate in the next Carnival of Natural Parenting! Please take time to read the submissions by the other carnival participants: (This list will be live and updated by afternoon June 12 with all the carnival links.)
- I Had A C-Section. So What! — Jennifer at Hybrid Rasta Mama rewrites her birth story now that she has worked through the feelings of inadequacy and disappointment of not having the “perfect” birth.
- The Perfect Birth — Kellie at Our Mindful Life reflects on how a birth can be far from what we imagined, but still perfect.
- Own Your Birth: My Hope For All Expectant Moms — Andrea at Tales of Goodness shares how she owned her birth spiritually (while navigating it physically) in order to have a joyous experience.
- Carnival of Natural Parenting: My Birth Experience — It wasn’t what Lily at Witch Mom wanted, but it was everything she needed.
- The Painless Natural Homebirth of BabyE — Shannon at GrowingSlower wants women considering natural birth to know painless births are possible.
- Reflections on Jemma’s Birth … 20 Months Later — It took a second pregnancy for That Mama Gretchen to fully embrace her first birth experience.
- Loving My Unnatural Birth Experience — Erika at Cinco de Mommy cherishes her very first birth experience, in all its unnatural glory!
- Be Careful What you Wish for in Birth — Amber at Strocel.com had two births, and it was the one that went to plan that she struggled with embracing.
- Redeeming an unexpected hospital transfer — Lauren at Hobo Mama looks back at her first, interrupted home-turned-hospital birth, and finds the beauty in what happened.
- All of it — Laura from Pug in the Kitchen had to learn to embrace the whole experience of birth even though it meant being naked . . . with an audience.
- Birthing Dreams & Realities — Momma Jorje never had a “dream birth,” but she wouldn’t change a thing about her births.
- Memories of Birth: Calm Amidst the Storm — While neither of her children’s births had been quite what she expected, Cynthia at The Hippie Housewife cherishes one moment in particular from each of her birth experiences.
- Embracing Our Birth Stories — Luschka from Diary of a First Child shares a sensitive post on her recent birth which both did and didn’t go ‘to plan’, and writes about the journey of coming to terms with the good and the bad.
- Two Beautiful Births — Sheila at A Gift Universe remembers how her mother brought out the beauty in each of her children’s births, and tries to do the same with her sons’ birth stories.
- Embracing My Supernatural ChildBirth Experiences… — Jenny at I’m a full-time mummy shares her fond memories on both her supernatural childbirth experiences
- Embracing the Hospital Birth Experience — Jenn at Monkey Butt Junction believes that sometimes a medicated, induced hospital birth is the right choice for a natural parent.
- Carnival: Embracing Your Birth Experience — Stephanie at The Other Baby Blog embraces the birth experience from a paleobiologist’s point of view and takes a look at how humans defy their anatomy.
- Reflections on My First Birth and Preparing for a Second — Abbie at Farmer’s Daughter shares the strength she didn’t realize she had until she gave birth to her son.
- becoming a mama – embracing my birth experience — Meegs at A New Day remembers the birth of her daughter Gwenivere, and the empowered feeling it left her with.
- What About Us? A Poem About Birth — Kat at Loving {Almost} Every Moment shares a poem she wrote about healing from an unexpected and emotionally painful birth experience.
- Be a Man: One Father’s View of Birth — Mandy at Living Peacefully with Children shares her husband’s advice to other fathers and partners.
- A Birth Monologue — Kat at MomeeeZen shares a monologue she wrote during the process of healing from her birth experiences.
- Forgiveness: My Birth Journey — Leah at The Crunchy Farm Baby discusses what happens when her planned homebirth doesn’t end up the way she wanted, and explains her journey of forgiving herself for losing that “perfect” birth.
- Patching together a perfect birth — KrissyFair at Think Mama, Think learned that sometimes a perfect birth happens in pieces.
- Celebrating and Sharing the Possibilities of Perfect Birth — Terri from Child of the Nature Isle joyfully shares details of her perfect births and wishes to inspire a more positive cultural expectation about birth.
- Instinct – Embracing Your Birth Experience — Laura at Laura’s Blog reflects on instinctual moments during and after the births of her two daughters.
- I was Foolish Then — ANonyMous at Radical Ramblings describes how foolish lack of preparation for childbirth led to a feeling of powerlessness and fear, but that in the end she had her baby in her arms, and that’s one thing she can celebrate.
- Sometimes no plan is the best plan — Tat at Mum in search contemplates that maybe she doesn’t need a birth plan for her upcoming birth.
- Disturbing the peace — Kenna at Million Tiny Things thought she would be a calm, quiet baby-haver. Ha!
- Accepting the Unexpected During Birth — Emily at S.A.H.M i AM imagined herself laboring on a birthing ball but she never imagined where she’d really be most comfortable when the time came…
- Sacred This Time, Too — Kimber at The Single Crunch learned enough to know that the way she birthed wasn’t they way she wanted to; but she also knew to enjoy it for what it was.
- The Birth Partner: A Great Natural Labor Companion — Justine at The Lone Home Ranger thinks that the secret to her pleasant natural labors was having a great support system.
- the Best Thing About My Labor Experience — Crunchy Con Mommy realizes that amidst all the things that seemed to go wrong with her labor, the love and support of her husband was the one thing she could always count on!
- Your Birth Was My Favorite — Dulce de leche describes some of the highlights from each of her four births and explains why despite the differences, they are all her favorites.
- Birth Story: Part One – Moon on a Stick! — Gentle Mama Moon tells the first part of her birth story to share some of the delight of labouring at home.
- Embracing My Birth Experience by Sharing My Birth Story — Dionna at Code Name: Mama made peace with her first birth by sharing the story with her son.
- Focusing on the Beauty of Birth — Julia at A Little Bit of All of It shares the beautiful aspects of her birth center water birth.
- A Joyful Induced Delivery — Amy Willa: Me, Mothering, and Making it All Work notes the meditations and perspective that helped her achieve an unmedicated birth despite being induced for medical reasons.
- Finding Joy in an Imperfect Childbirth Experience — Deb Chitwood at Living Montessori Now tells what she learned from her two very different childbirth experiences.
- What’s to like about a c-section? — Jessica at Crunchy-Chewy Mama is glad she her second child at home, but she also cherishes much about the c-section she had four years earlier.
- What Story Will I Tell? — Rachael at The Variegated Life realizes that the way she tells the story of her second child’s birth matters — and could be exhilarating.
- I Quietly Put My Hopes to Rest E — Erica at ChildOrganics shares her emotional ups and downs with the highly intervened birth of her special needs daughter, Bella.
- Tale of Six Births — Jessica at Instead of Institutions appreciates that unique challenges and joys of each of her births.
- Labouring naturally: nature’s gift — Caroline at stoneageparent describes the most beautiful, spiritual aspect of the labour of her son, the first stages along a bumpy road to giving birth.
- All The Woman I Am. — Lindsay at This Woman’s Work shares a poem about letting go and surrendering during the thralls of labor.
- A twin birth story: embracing the unexpected — Megan at The Boho Mama shares her twin birth experience and how she found the silver lining when faced with preterm labor, premature birth, and a two-week NICU stay.
- Giving Birth With Eminem — Kerry at City Kids Homeschooling shares how fiery rap music contributed to an empowered homebirth with her third baby.
- Two Different Births — Cassie at There’s a Pickle in My Life shares how she learned from her first birth experience and how to trust yourself and your body.
- Embracing Our Potential: Birth as a Metaphor — Sheila from A Living Family guest posts at Natural Parents Network and expresses how birth has served as a metaphor to help her through other experiences in life.
- Little Sister’s Birth Story: Our VBAC Adventure — Charise at I Thought I Knew Mama describes the recent birth story of her baby girl, her pride in an epidural-free VBAC, and how her story isn’t exactly the birth experience she had planned for.
- A Journey in Birth Confidence — Shannon at The Artful Mama shares her experiences with labor during both of her sons’ births.
You are going to rock this birth :) Kieran's birth was such an incredible learning experience – while it did not go as planned, I feel so empowered knowing what my body was capable of!
I like that you were able to process and find the good in your birth even if initially it wasn't what you wanted.
Thanks, Dionna! I'm feeling really confident about this birth … I learned so much from my first and am sure it will only get better with each baby :)
Good for you! You've been through it all, and you have the power to have a beautiful birth very soon! We're cheering for you!
Each birth is a learning process, that's for sure. I've had three completely different births, I learned something about myself each time. I look forward to your future birth story. Congratulations.
Great post. I totally understand that fear. You will do great. Just like you did with Jemma.
Regardless of what happens this time I heard so much power in your first birth – wow! You exhibited some amazing strength.
Totally understand your fears and I like how you've changed them around and taken a new perspective. You will do great! Will be praying for you and the little man <3
A friend read " birthing from within" by PamEngland and it really helped with her deal/work through her fears of another unplanned birthing experience.
Thanks so much :) Prayers are appreciated!
I love that you've embraced each of your experiences for their individual uniqueness.
Thanks so much for the encouragement! It's such a blessing to have the support from like-minded mamas :)
What a great approach to focus on the positives :) I think we should be doing it at all times in life and that it’s particularly helpful during giving birth. I will be able to tell how that worked for me in person next month!
Blessings to you in the next month! I'll be sending positive thoughts your way!
You really did accomplish a great thing! I'm glad you're moving forward with such positivity. I had to do the same thing, of reprocessing my first birth, before I could move on with confidence to my second. And my second went great! :) Best wishes to you!
Thanks so much! Here's to successful second births :)
Great story. And good luck with your next one. It's never the same.I had a very similar first birth story. Before my second, I sort of thought, well, I know I can pretty much do anything after that one. I wish you all the best.
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