No, no. Leah’s blog isn’t called REAL LIFE. Leah is my friend in real life :) I asked her to participate in Meet That Mama because she is pretty stinkin’ fabulous! We’ve been best friends since working the 6am shift at a coffeehouse back in 2003-2005. I mean, if early mornings, coffee, and the potential of a pocket full of tips doesn’t bring two girls together, what will?
My name is Leah. I am a wife (of nearly 5 years) a teacher of 5th graders and a pretty darn good knitter. I have a sick addiction to Peanut Butter and have recently realized my new purpose in life: to clip, organize, and use coupons thus saving my family a load of money.
However, all of those things pale in comparison to this one fact: I have a son.
And I’m biased, but he is literally the happiest, funniest and cutest stud of a kid any girl could hope to birth. He was a surprise, and everything since has been a surprise as well. I know everybody tells you that being a mama is the best thing ever. That you love this little person with every bit of love juice you have in your heart…but It is seriously ridiculous and crazy how much I adore my boy.
Favorite {completed} Pinterest project … Pinterest is an actual addiction of mine. On one hand it is helpful for organizing my projects and plans but mostly it just encourages my existence in the land of “dreams and unlikelihood”. I think this quote says it best:
I have, however succeeded at a few Pinterest projects! These legwarmers have been a staple gift to many a baby/little girl/grown-up girl when I am low on time or cash (or both). And this Summer Porridge recipe is a new staple for my mornings on the go.
Favorite mama moment from the last month … I have my run of the mill favorite moments on a daily basis with my kiddo-cuddling him to sleep, “chatting” about the day, dressing him up like a rockstar… but my most recent favorite moment came last week at our Farmers Market. I was attempting a photo shoot, complete with a trellis and pond, but ‘B’ was far too distracted with his surroundings to do so much as give me a side glance, let alone smile at the camera.
To focus his attention forward I gave him the only thing in my possession –
A Beef Stick. Let’s just say he liked it. A. LOT.
Best blog discovery lately … Gretchen introduced me to this hilarious blog- Leather and Lace. Her view on life and pregnancy is pretty much the funniest, most inappropriate thing I’ve ever read in my life and I dig it hard. I actually get sad when I check some days and she didn’t post. Like it depresses me. Other blogs on my “MUST READ” list are:
- Harper’s Happenings – thrifting tips / laugh your butt off stories
- Little Sprout Growing – Book reviews/ crafting inspiration
- Dear Baby – fashion ideas/baby talk/sweet, melt your heart tails of kid raising.
- The Coupon Project – Coupon match ups/Catalina deals for the Great NW!
Things on my to-do list … I’m a list person. I like to cross things off of them, so sometimes I put things on there that I’ve already done. (just so I can feel productive right off the bat!) Unfortunately I have done NONE of the following things. Here’s my list of things for the upcoming days, weeks, months.
- Successfully organize, prepare for and throw 2 baby showers and a Bachelorette party by mid July.
- Find (from all the camera sources), print, organize and put in an album all of ‘B’s first year photos.
- Go see the Hunger Games. Seriously. What have I been doing?
- Win the Biggest Loser contest at my school.
- Lose the rest of the baby weight (see above).
- Create a slide show for my ENTIRE school’s End of the Year Assembly.
- Take Mama/Baby swim lessons with ‘B’ and another mama/baby friend duo.
- Buy a bathing suit for myself (sick. I probably should move this above the swim lessons.)
- Add new recipes to my rolodex of “GO TO MEALS”.
- Baby-Proof my apartment (should this be closer to the top of this list?)
- Seek out/purchase 12 month size clothes for ‘B’ and Value Village and other misc. consignment shops.
- Continue my quest to find non-stupid looking summer hats for my pale, pale boy (how many colors to Fedoras come in anyway?)
OK…the list? Kinda random and please insert obvious things like weeding through the laundry basket, sorting through old clothes, and cleaning the apartment. I chose not to have those be on the list. Because they are annoying, tedious and I happen to hate them.
So that’s me. Or part of me.
Oh! And Lastly. I LOVE That Mama Gretchen. (the blog AND the person). I loved her way back when she was that single girl Gretchen…then that married lady Gretchen. This stage is my favorite though.
Awesome mama’s everywhere BAND TOGETHER!
Yep … now you know why I love this mama so much! She’s quite funny, the best e-mail pal, and her son is destine to be the most handsome guy next to my little man :) Jem is pretty taken with him as well – giving kisses, sharing books, and such. Plus, Leah and I haven’t lived in the same city since 2005, but once we get moved she’ll only be 20 minutes away! Eek! Can you say, “best friend reunion!?!?!”
Internet-wise you can become her friend too on Pinterest :)
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This was so fun to read. I happen to be Leah From Real Life's Mama and have known Gretchen since she was in the 6th grade. These two Mamas are awesome, but honestly should probably not be allowed to live in the same town. It could really get to be crazy around here!