Meet That Mama | Megan from The Boho Mama

I don’t exactly remember how Megan and I became friends, but I do know that she is one of my dearest blog friends! We actually met face to face on Friday at the PNW Bloggers Meet-Up. SO FUN! 

She is definitely one of the gals to follow, so check out her links and enjoy our little interview!

Hi, I’m Megan from The Boho Mama. I live in downtown Portland, Oregon (right across the river from Gretchen!) with my husband and our 10-month old twin daughters, Ruthie and Afton. I love coffee, estate sales, traditional foods, world travel, and colorful rooms. I’m on Twitter, Facebook, and Pinterest, and I’d love if you’d come say “hello!”

I’ve been a follower of Gretchen’s blog for well over a year. I found her when I first found out I was pregnant – I don’t even remember how – and I loved reading her letters to Jemma. After I had my girls, I found that we have similar attitudes towards parenting and lifestyle, and she’s been an encouragement to me as I watch her parent Jemma into her toddler years. 

My favorite [completed] Pinterest projects have definitely been recipes! So far, I’ve had success with strawberry shortcakes, black bean quinoa salad, a new and awesome way to make baked potatoes, Meyer lemon bars, homemade yogurt, buttermilk biscuits, homemade coffee creamer, coconut flour pancakes…just to name a few. Oh, and just today I made Perfect iced coffee. YUM.

One goal I want to complete in the next year is to do something creative with my Instagram pics. Mashable has a list of 13 great ideas for using the little snapshots. Love Instagram! (I’m at bohomama_meg, private for the safety of my family but I approve new friends readily!)

My favorite moment as a mama from the last month was definitely my first Mother’s Day. We spent the weekend in Southern Oregon with both sides of our family, and we all went to church together at a service in a beautiful outdoor amphitheater. The breeze blew gently through the trees, the flowers were blooming, the sky was bright blue, and as I sat with my girls, my husband, and our parents and listened to the message, I felt so loved and blessed. These past 10 months with my girls have stretched me way beyond my limits, but it has been a time of joy like I’ve never known before. 

My favorite baby product is Earth Mama Angel Baby‘s baby shampoo and body wash. I received two bottles before the girls were born and I STILL have 1/2 a bottle left! It smells like a creamsicle and there are no chemicals, preservatives, or harsh ingredients. It’s also a local company! It lasts for a long time (you don’t need as much with the foaming pump) and for me, it’s definitely worth the money.

I have come to be a big believer in meal planning. I try and plan out meals a week at a time, and it helps with grocery shopping and knowing what I can prepare in advance. For example, every other week I buy a whole organic chicken and use it a few times during that week: roast chicken, potatoes and veggies, then chicken enchiladas or tacos, and finally coconut chicken soup, using the leftover meat AND the leftover bones to make homemade stock. The whole chicken is used, down to the wishbone. If, for some reason, we won’t use the meat in time, I put it in the freezer to be pulled out later for a last-minute dinner. Some weeks none of my planning comes together, but when it does, it feels so good.

Three things that are currently on my to-do list: 1) Pull out my old summer clothes and figure out what I need. It won’t be pretty. 2) Go thrifting for a pretty picnic quilt. None of mine are big enough for the four of us! 3) Make Apple Ginger soda. I started a ginger bug and I can’t wait to use it this summer!

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  1. says

    Love Megan and am psyched to learn some new things about her — totally agree about the creamsicle smell of Earth Mama Angel Baby wash, and the #1 item on my to-do list is the same thing. :)

  2. says

    Number 2 on your to-do list is on mine as well.. or, maybe I'll check out if Pinterest has any good, easy DIY quilts!

  3. says

    Thanks for letting me guest! Your questions were great – thinking about the everyday is sometimes a challenge!