For my high school graduation I received a copy of the devotional, Streams in the Desert – a collaboration of Biblical wisdom from faithful men and women. So often I turn to my copy of Streams. The short snippets always give me a little boost.
The word “burden” is translated in the Bible margin, “what he (Jehovah) has given thee”. The saints’ burdens are God-given; they lead him to “wait upon Jehovah,” and when that is done, in the magic of trust, the “burden” is metamorphosed into a pair of wings, and the weighted one “mounts up with wings as eagles”.
-The Sunday School Times
These words are just perfect, sometimes I feel burdened … the weight of the world, the daily grind, and the immense responsibility of raising children can feel overwhelming. But I am encouraged by this, the burden I sometimes feel will be the same thing that gives me strength. Amen and have an English muffin for breakfast while babywearing, like me :)
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Mighty Max! You've grown so much! Wanna meet up for a coffee soonish??
Yes! I'll text you soon :)
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