I’m joining the awesome Deanna in her Sunday Confessional series, hope you enjoy!
1. For my 7th birthday all I wanted was a perm … and that’s what I got! I’m going to try and hunt down a picture for ya’ll. If I find one I’ll post it next week :)
2. In college I majored in Administration of Non-Profit Organizations. Now, I don’t think I’ll ever work for a NPO. Funny what we choose to do with our lives at 18. If I did it all over again I would go into a more artistic field – maybe graphic or textile design.
3. When Dominic and I started dating he was roommates with the ex-boyfriend. To say the least, that roommate situation didn’t last long.
4. The only diet I have ever stuck to was the 3-day Hollywood juice fast. It was right before my high school graduation and I really wanted to wear a pair of black capris under my cap and gown. They were a bit too tight so for 3 days I drank a bottle of $20 juice from Walgreens and water. I have never felt so hungry in my life.
5. I totaled my first car when I hit black ice one morning on the way to school. It spin and flipped into a ditch about 300 yards from my driveaway. The first person who stopped was a retired firefighter and he helped my sister and I crawl out the backseat window. We weren’t hurt at all – praise the Lord – but my sweet, little ’83 BMW went to heaven.
6. Most days Jemma and I stay in our pajamas until after her morning nap. Then we get ready and officially begin the day.
7. Yoga pants are my favorite pants and I’m not afraid to say it. Nothing beats a pair of yoga pants, especially when they have nothing to do with yoga.
8. This is the first year of our marriage that Dominic and I haven’t moved. It felt SO NICE to not be packing this past summer. But, next summer we’ll be on the move again!
9. When I was pregnant with Jemma I didn’t care if I had a boy or girl. Next baby though, I really want a girl. I’ve loved having sisters and I want Jemma to have one so bad! If I chose right now her name would be Story Katherine. Katherine in honor of my sister who is second born in my family since Story would be second born in ours.
10. We go to a pretty contemporary church, and the praise and worship is great. But, I love singing hymns most of all. “Be Thou My Vision” and “It Is Well With My Soul” are my two favorites.
Are you writing your own Sunday Confessionals? If so, comment with the link – I want to read them!
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i wanna know if the pants fit better after those three days. :)
They did fit better – but looking back I should have just spent the $20 on a new pair of pants! ________________________________
My daughter and I stay in our jammies until after her morning nap too!
Yay! I'm glad we're not the only ones!________________________________
number 7 cracked me up! "especially when they have nothing to do with yoga." love it. Even though I always wanted to have a brother growing up and my sisters and i fought all the time, I really want a sister for my little one too, I am hoping baby Emery will be a girl!
I just love the name Emery! I always wanted a brother growing up too, but I guess I'm just on a girl kick right now :) ________________________________