These are the small things in life that would make my life oh, so much better …
- Drive thru post office
- Drive thru dry cleaners
- Drive thru everything – Can you imagine how easy life would be if I could run errands while Jemma napped???
- Hair and make-up that automatically did themselves
- Washing machine that moved clothes into the dryer
- Something to help transfer a sleeping child from their car seat to bed without waking them
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And just so I don’t sound all complain-y, cause I’m really not …
- I love my crockpot that turns from cooking to warming by itself
- Same for the rice cooker
- Keurig – can I get an amen! – INSTA-COFFEE-AWESOMENESS
- Drive thru Starbucks and pharmacy
What little things in life do you appreciate … what would make your world an even better place?
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Isn't it funny what having a baby/toddler will do to your view on drive thru anything. One time I even went through the drive thru coffee joint to get a paper because I didn't want to unload/load the babies out of the car.
I can't even imagine with twins!________________________________
You know what I would really appreciate? Dedicated parking spaces for parents with young kids. They don't need to be near the door of the store, but near the cart returns would be nice. Oh, and more multi-kid shopping carts–no store can ever have enough of those!
I always look for spots near the cart return – such a good idea!!!________________________________
i have NEVER understood the kids that can sleep from carseat to crib. neither of my boys will. i try to force gage to keep owsley awake on long car rides home so that a good nap won't be wasted in the car. :) and can i AMEN the thought of a drive thru post office!
Where I live in Australia theres a drive through dry cleaners and a drive through bank (machine OR window with banker)And as Rinny said theres dedicated car spots for parents with prams