I’m close to feeling caught up from out trip to BIG TEXAS and wanted to share a few things that are going on …
- We’re on the verge of building a house! Well, at least we think we are. We’re looking for property and trying to nail down a good location based on family location and Dominic’s work. So many factors to consider.
- We are heavily praying about adoption. Or foster to adopt. I requested a foster packet from the state and am looking forward to reviewing the details. If you have experience with adoption or foster to adopt please email me your words of wisdom! We would be blessed with your prayers as well.
- I have a few tutorials up my sleeve as I’m crafting up Christmas presents. Most are inspired by Pinterest … duh. Watch out for all my Handmade Christmas posts – can’t wait to share!
- I’m also starting an Etsy shop with my mama and sisters! We’re putting on the finishing touches and I can’t wait to give you the scoop! It’s nothing fancy, but it will be fun to have a virtual project between the 4 of us since we don’t all live in the same city.
I thought about starting a 2nd and 3rd blog for both the home building and adoption part of our lives – but decided to keep it all here. It’s enough effort to keep things updated and organized on one blog and I’m doing my best to work smarter, not harder with my limited computer time (AKA Jemma’s mystery length naptimes). Hope ya’ll don’t mind that I’m adding a few new themes to the good ol’ blog.
Last, but not least, if you’re a reader of That Mama Gretchen and don’t comment often, let me know you’re out there! I’d love to check out your blog and learn a little more about my readers. So, comment with your link and share something you’re doing to prepare for the upcoming holidays!
Ooh! I like every one of your pieces of news.We have been thinking about fostering/adoption too. I don't know what it's like in the states but here it is really hard and expensive to adopt and really easy but fraught with difficulty to foster (they only tend to give you kids who are a bit older and have a lot of issues). I'd love to hear how it all goes for you guys.I'm thinking of making an etsy store too. It all depends on Lucy's nap times which are often short if not non existant :)
all sounds like great news, and makes so much sense to keep it all here… a mama can spread herself too thin. :)
I'll definitely keep the blog updated on fostering! I just got the packet of info this weekend :) ________________________________