
Today I held a fresh baby, just a touch over 24 hours old. Priceless.

He is beautiful and it reminded me so much of the little baby Jemma once was – the squishy face, the baby breathe, the little squeaks. He was born just yesterday and belongs to one of my dearest friends. A number of my childhood friends had babies this last year, but most were too far away for a visit :( Not this little guy. A quick 2 hour drive and I was there for newborn snuggles. YAY!

Before Jem and I left town, we went to the MOMS kick off at church. This is my first year participating in the moms-focused small group since it is Wednesday mornings and that didn’t jive with my past work hours. It still kind of feels like I’m on vacation – this whole SAHM thing is taking some time to get used too! We discussed how priceless motherhood is. How our children are priceless, how our own mothers are priceless, and how this journey – all the ups, downs, and sideways – are priceless too. I’m blessed beyond words to be Jemma’s mama and I feel blessed to be journeying through motherhood with many of my old and new friends. There’s nothing quite like the bond of motherhood!

Here’s to you L and your new little man – I love you and your growing family!

I did my first ever maternity photo shoot for L earlier this summer, this was one of my favorite belly photos … and now that baby is here safe and sound! Praise the Lord!
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  1. says

    it's so weird how seeing a newborn really puts into perspective that owsley (and jemma) aren't babies anymore. it's so bittersweet. then i look at gage and see how much of a punk four year old kids are….and i wish owsley could stay little for a while longer. :)

  2. Bianca Tarleton says

    Please pass my congrats to L! That is so exciting!

  3. Ktsberg says

    Tell Leah congrats for me!