11 Months

Broken record here …
Where has the time gone? It seems like just yesterday you had no hair and were learning to sit up. Now you’ve got the craziest locks and not only do you sit, but you crawl, stand, and wiggle everywhere! Every month becomes my favorite as you explore new things. Watching the world through your eyes has given me a new sense of appreciation for all the little wonders around us. I love you, Jemma, for your spunk, your sweet spirit, and the little twinkle in your eye.
Feeding herself (especially chicken, meatballs, peaches, and brown rice puffs), giving kisses and hugs, people watching, exploring the outside – grass, dirt, and leaves are all favorites, playing with bath toys, reading books (especially touch ‘n feel ones), walking along everything, waving, climbing stairs, peeking under the couch, watching clips from Sesame Street, helping with the laundry, climbing on the dishwasher, playing peek-a-boo, AND planning her birthday party!

Getting water in her eyes, the garbage truck during nap time, feeling constipated :( 
Getting close to 26 pounds and 31 inches
18-24 month clothes, some 2T and 3T
Size 4 or 5 shoes

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  1. Rebekah says

    oh my goodness – what a cutie!!! her eyes are gorgeous!..where did you find that pretty little hair barette? She is beautiful:D

  2. Amy Kattre says

    New follower here. She is SO cute! My daughter will be 8 months tomorrow and she hates the garbage trucks too. Looking forward to keeping up with Jemma!Amyhttp://mrsmommykattre.blogspot.com/

  3. Hannah says

    oh how i love this little girl and wish i could have been a part in this photo shoot….