My dear Jemma turned 9 months old on July 2nd. And – my oh my – I’m completely head over heels in love with this little darling. I’ll apologize now for the swarm of pictures to follow. It’s really hard to pick a few favorites when she is so busy with her expressions and movement. 9 months is a fabulous age!
Jemma in three words – observer, sweet, beautiful.
OBSERVER … My sweet girl watches everything. She stares intently at new people. She soaks in objects before moving towards them. You can tell she is learning through her eyes. I love watching her watch the world go by.
SWEET … Everyone she meets comments at how sweet she is. She rarely cries, is pleasant in restaurants and just loves being held and snuggled. She has a sweet spirit that oozes to everyone around her.
BEAUTIFUL … When I see Jemma, I see life to its fullest. She has beauty both inside and out. I adore her smile, blonde hair, little smirks and giggles. Even though she doesn’t yet talk, her hugs, kisses and snuggles speak volumes of her beautiful inside.
The months are truly going by too fast. I can’t bear to think that in three short months we’ll be celebrating a special someone’s 1st birthday! But, until then, I plan to embrace all the joy of this amazing 9 month old …

Riding in her wagon, taking baths with mama, crawling EVERYWHERE, eating rice puffs, people watching, standing, walking along the tub and coffee table
Being alone, she always wants to be with her people :)
25 pounds, based on our home scale
18-24 month size clothes
Month Milestone stickers c/o Sticky Bellies
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O my goodness chunky little monkey? but o so adorable
Hi there,This is my first time reading your blog. I too have a 9 month old as of July 2nd! Lola is my precious peachy & I agree with everything you said about being totally smitten and head over heels for our little girls. Jemma is adorable, thanks for sharing :)Enjoy that baby x
Happy nine months, Love the bow in her hair! so cute. I found you from top baby blogs.Kristy