I’m sure the title of this post sounds just peachy. I mean, who doesn’t just love all these things?
Last weekend I got a bout of cold topped off with allergies. Life doesn’t get better, does it? Especially for a nursing mom who is trying to avoid decongestants. I’m a true martyr ::grin::
I stumbled through the beginning of the week in a fog of sniffles only to let the inevitable happen.
Jemma fell off our bed :(
I love how she was so resilient. A short cry, snuggling mama and nursing away the trauma, but oh. my. lanta. my heart has never skipped so many beats. Lesson learned – I will never grab a cardigan fast enough from the closet to warrant Jemma sitting in the middle of our king size bed. Girlfriend moves too fast these days. Have I even mentioned that she is crawling up a storm? Well, she is and she is giving us a run for our money!
Last, but not least, last weekend’s sickness left me terribly behind in housework. Clutter adorns every surface. Laundry is sky high. Dirty dishes have capped out the sink and are spilling onto the counter. It’s gonna be a fun weekend. har. har.
Truly though, I’m excited for our upcoming family days …
- Meeting our {maybe new} naturopath
- Family pictures
- Cleaning up the house which always leaves me with a super accomplished feeling
- Crockpot pulled pork
- Visiting a friend who just had surgery with this special gift
- Walks in the nice weather
- Maybe the start of a craft or two
I love your blog and I appreciate your thoughts! Your daughter is so precious and I enjoy getting the updates. Also, I can only imagine how traumatizing it must have been for both momma and baby to have her fall! Lord help me when my Alizah gets to that stage!