Remember these fabulous shoes?
Well, I survived my first week of work and still haven’t ordered them. You know why? Because I’m cheap. They aren’t available in the store and shipping is $10. That makes them $59. I’m holding out for a sale. Email me if you see them (or something similiar) for a bargain …
You would think one shoe dilemma is enough for our family. But no. Jemma has issues too. See, I scored these adorable Livie and Luca shoes from Baby Steals a few weeks back. Since Baby Steals is a first come first steal type of thing I had to take action quickly. Pause, my ma had to take action quickly. I called her lamenting over whether I should get them or not and if I should really spend money on them when I could find equally cute shoes on clearance or at a consigment shop. Being the wonderful Mimi she is she said, “I’ll get them! They are too cute to pass up!” Problem is, we aren’t well versed on children shoe sizes yet. As the Baby Steal time bomb ticked we realized there were only 4 sizes left … 4, 5, 9 and 10.
Made me laugh out loud!! Teagan wears a size 10 and she'll be 5 in May!! Just start a box of big stuff and keep them for later!!
I say keep them. Babies grow so fast, it's nice to have some things that are larger, just don't forget about them! Plus, they might fit sooner than you think. My barely two year old (his birthday was in January) boy is in a size 10 shoe. It sounds like she on a similar growth scale to him.PS- They are SUPER cute!!
keep them! my three year old is in a size 9, and only wears a 2T, so you never know how fast her feet may grow!
Maybe try to sell them via your blog? or ebay? I know, holding onto a pair of shoes for that long would drive me crazy. I would end up losing them! Like Miss J, my 7 month old is the size of your average 1yr old. He's wearing a size 4 shoe, if that helps any! He'll probably be in a size 5 by summer.. if that helps you gauge what J might be wearing then! I love our big babes!! :)
Keep them! They're adorable and hey, if they fit a standard sized kindergardener, they'll fit Jemma in preschool ;) And they're SO CUTE!
hands down – keep them! why would you get rid of such an adorable pair of shoes!! and who cares if they get a little mud on them – they will wash!
Oh my gosh I don't get the baby sizes either!! Isis is almost in a 4 & she's 14 months, but she can really still fit in any 6-12 month shoes. She's had little feet the whole time. Too funny that you bought a 10! I'd just keep them & let her wear them when they do finally fit! Maybe the anticipation will make them that much more exciting at that point!!
keep keep keep… maybe keep them on a shelf so you can stare at their cuteness until she grows into them!
I had to laugh at this. My son turned 5 today and he wears a size 10!And I'm going to be honest and say that if I were in that situation I would return them just because of the cost. I think there will be plenty of opportunity to buy cute shoes at good prices in the years ahead. :)
Keep them!
keep them!have a storage box of older clothes/shoes for latermy 8 month old wears a size 2 and my almost 3 year old wear a size 7…