Matryoska or Babushka?

Jemma and I have a tiny obsession with Babushka dolls.

When I was expecting I found an adorable onesie while thrifting that had a Babushka doll on it. Jemma wore it to her 2 week pediatrician appointment. From then on, I’ve been loving these little dolls for Jem. Of course, there aren’t many baby things with Babushka dolls on them. I really don’t know why folks prefer cartoon dinosaurs and Disney characters on baby clothes. Jem and I … we prefer things like Babushka dolls :)

So, I have plans to order this fabric and whip up a little dress. Don’t hold your breath, you might not see pictures of my creation for a year plus, but I promise it will eventually appear.

I also fell in love with this pattern and convinced my ma to help me make a Babushka doll for J to play with, er, I mean, chew on :)

I’ve been calling them Babushka dolls, but I know they are also know as Matryoska dolls. What’s the difference?
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  1. says

    I love those dolls… and I never knew what they were called… so I just called them "those cute little wood dolls" lol :)

  2. Anonymous says

    "Babushka" is Russian for "grandma."

  3. says

    In Russia, I always heard them called matryoshka dolls – never babushka. So for whatever that's worth! :)

  4. says

    Saw this on etsy and immediately thought of you ( I was catching up on your blog yesterday!)