Twenty Ten

Dominic and I have resolved to make the verbage switch to “twenty ten” and “twenty eleven” instead of the long winded “two thousand and ________”.  Yep, we are all over significant resolutions.
Now, on to the fun stuff … in the big ol’ TWENTY TEN we experienced more than we could have imagined. It has left us both in a sense of wonder at what all can happen in one year. Here’s to another great one!
We held out to the end of the month for the big excitement … WE’RE PREGNANT (January 30th).  
Sadly, we couldn’t even remember what we did for Valentine’s Day and we have no picture as reference … perhaps because pregnancy tiredness hit me hard and I slept the whole month … and got a haircut :)


Dominic flew to Nashville for Dave Ramsey’s Financial Counselor Training … I slept some more and grew our little baby
Dominic was on the hunt for a new job this spring and since he had free time we decided to take a fun day trip to the coast. I moved into the 2nd trimester and we relished in the excitement that we were going to be parents soon!    
My sister Katie graduated from college, Dominic turned 24 and we had our 20 week ultrasound – healthy baby was the best news EVER!
I definitely popped in June – baby is for sure coming!


Our dear friends Nate & Lacey were married and baby shower madness began!
Our last pre-baby getaway to celebrate our 3rd anniversary … a lovely weekend at the Gorge.
We bought our first car together, one big enough to fit our growing family and on the last day of the month … BOOM … water breaks and we are on our way to having a baby! This is the last picture of me smiling during labor. I promise 2011 will bring my birth story, I’ve just been so busy … I know, excuses excuses.
Our first family picture – October 2nd – our darling daughter, Jemma’s birthday! I turned 24 too, but Jemma’s birth trumps all for October :)
Jemma was almost 2 months old in this picture and FAST ASLEEP for our first big family photo with my parents, hubby, sisters, brother-in-law and nephew and DAUGHTER. It was great all being together for Thanksgiving … I still can’t believe I had a healthy little girl, SO THANKFUL!
Oh my Jemma Lou … you were the greatest Christmas present of all time … so excited to spend the next year with you!
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  1. says

    what a sweet post. i love all the photos you have, especially your november photo. how great to have all your family around!! i hope 2011 goes just as well. :)

  2. Heidi says

    Love this post :D You are such a great mom! So happy to see you enjoying it so much. I wish you many more babies :) and more love than you can fathom! ((hugs)) and Happy New Year!

  3. says

    well you know Gretchen – the way January started out made me think you were announcing that you were pregnant!! Then I read further! You have a beautiful, beautiful family and I know twenty eleven will be a great year for you