6 Weeks

Somehow my 1 month post has morphed into a 6 week post. Jemma is growing up so fast … I can hardly keep up! Thanks to Jessica at Tart for the great idea of how to document all of Jemma’s milestones. I love the simplicity and am sure Jemma will have fun looking back on all these details!
Jemma Loves 
– bright lights – being held up so she can see the world (either peeking over your shoulder or “sitting” with her back to your tummy) – riding in the car – sitting in her bouncer while mama takes a shower and gets ready in the morning – watching sports with her daddy – bath time – nursing all day every day :) – stretching when she wakes up – visiting her family – napping in the Baby K’tan – cloth wipes from her wipe warmer –
Jemma Doesn’t Love
– tummy bubbles (AKA gas) – being alone – when her “bee” falls out (bee = pacifier) – stopping at stoplights in the car – being quiet
Jemma’s Stats
13 pounds, 2 ounces and 23 1/2 inches long
Some of Jemma’s Firsts
 Day 7 – first bath at home and first outing to church
Day 9 – first day at home alone with mama and first time in the Ergo
Day 12 – first day of errands
Day 16 – first visit to the pediatrician
Day 19 – first case of sniffles
Day 22/23 – first visit to mama’s hometown
Day 23 – first train ride 
Day 32 – first bottle of pumped breast milk
Day 38/39 – first smile for mama and daddy
Day 41 – first chiropractor visit and first stay with grandparents
Day 44 – first visit to mama’s work
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  1. says

    I have to agree that this is an easy, organized way to keep track of all of her milestones as she grows! And I can't believe she weighs 13lbs already! All my 0-3 months say they fit 7-12 lbs I think!I can totally picture her "sitting" in your lap, looking around. Too cute.

  2. says

    Aww, how sweet. Although I find all stages of childhood development exciting, I so treasured having tiny, snuggly babies. Also, I appreciate your last post–the review of the K'tan. I'll have to keep that in mind next time around. :)