I adore the weekends for one particular reason … naptime. I’ve always loved naps, but truly, WHO HAS THE TIME? But, in an effort to slow down and physically/mentally prepare for baby I have tried to incorporate a few here and there. This Saturday and Sunday were prime examples. Both days I stopped the madness (today was our official baby to-do list deadline) and snuggled in for a nap around 3pm. Dominic appreciated it too since it gave him a a chance to watch football and/or read. Because, when I nap, the baby to-do list takes a break too. How nice for us all :)
Dearest Baby … At least once a day now your Daddy says, “I am SO READY for our baby to be here!” I’m ready for you too, but am content to let you stay inside as long as you want :) Just like today, Sundays will be such fun days when you arrive. We’ll dress-up and adventure out to church, maybe have lunch at a baby-friendly restaurant and then come home for family naptime! Sounds delightful, doesn’t it? You decide which Sunday you want this tradition to start … we’re ready whenever you are!
Day #4 – Naptime
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I love naps too…and it only gets better when you are holding a little one on your chest. I don't sleep as well…but it is pretty awesome :)
Lately I have been exhausted and take naps when Bishop is napping. Oh my I cringe at the thought that one day he will grow out of his naps. That means no naps for Mommy either. :( Nap all you call – even when the baby is here. Everyone told me to nap when the baby did but I always had too much to do and boy did I pay the price. NAP WHEN THE BABY DOES – TRUST ME!
For Mommies everywhere…"naptime" will always be a word that will bring a smile to your face:)