I signed up for every birthday freebie in the book and we were able to cash in fast with Dominic’s 24th birthday last week. So, off we went to Famous Dave’s, a new BBQ place (or at least new to us).
I had some awful nachos :( But, Dominic loved his BBQ plate. I tried the cornbread and proceeded to eat it all. My husband was so sweet to give up his birthday cornbread. Then he bought me bread pudding (one of my all time favorite desserts that I feel compelled to try at every restaurant). Sounds more like my birthday?
Happy 24th Birthday Dominic! I’m so excited for all that is to come between now and your 25th birthday :)
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I love that we share favorites…we should try to make bread pudding while I'm there. Could be fun!
Sign me up! Do you have a good recipe to try out?Maybe something Paula Deen …