Crib Bedding Options

One of my mom’s friends has graciously offered to sew crib bedding for our little one! I’ve stalled on picking out fabric until we knew where we would be moving too, etc.

These are my most recent options …

From Ikea Textiles (only available in stores)
I think it would be sweet as a quilt with this on one side and a bright green, polka dot or stripes on the other

From Blank Quilting‘s Rumba line
It has great coordinating colors and definitely fits into my original modern woodland theme

I’m just wondering if it will clash with my new curtains …

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  1. says

    Your blog is so cute! I love the Rumba pattern. Amy Butler also has great fabric options!

  2. says

    The second one all the way! I LOVE IT. So cute with turquoise accents!

  3. says

    I think both are adorable but would go with the second one mostly because that white is going to see a lot of unpleasant (and possibly staining) bodily fluids in it's future use :). Least in my experience.