One of the most encouraging things about embarking on motherhood is being surrounded by fabulous women who “get” you. They know when you just need to vent, why you are silly, when you just need to shop … it is a good place to be. This entire blog could be dedicated to the amazing women who have helped me along my journey through childhood, youth, adulthood, and now motherhood, but I am going to start with my baby’s amazing aunts. I am quadrupally blessed with 4 sisters, hence, I have declared this week … WEEK OF THE AMAZING AUNTS!
This week I’ll give you a sneak peek on each one and why they are amazing. To quell any sisterly squabbles I’ll announce the order each sister will appear … M’Lissa on Tuesday, Tasha on Wednesday, Katie on Thursday, and Hannah on Friday … debuting by age, so Hannie, don’t worry you are not last because you are my least favorite, you are last because you are the youngest :)
Week of the Amazing Aunts
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