Hannah doing her stylin’ thing, downtown Olympia
I was 5 years old when Hannah was in utero. This same year brought about my first meltown … or at least the first one I vividly remember. Mom and I were at Fred Meyer standing the check out line when she told me she and Dad had decided on the name “Hannah” if the baby was born a girl. Meltdown ensued. “I don’t like the name Hannah. It sounds like ham. I DON’T LIKE HAM!!!”
I still don’t like ham to this day, but I love my little Hannie like crazy!
Hannah turns 18 this week and I can hardly believe how time has flown. It seems like yesterday she was telling the family she wanted to be 1/2 princess and 1/2 Barbie when she grew up. Now she is taking college classes in preparation to become a registered dietician (check our her blog to give some of her amazing recipes a try).
This aunt-to-be has quite the style … both with fashion and her wit. I’ve never know a little sister to be filled with such sarcasm. Take for example the time she told my mom that leftovers for dinner made her feel like a dog … eating the same thing day in and day out. Yes, Hannie has spunk, that’s for sure! Hannah is a fabulous sister, always ready for a shopping trip and encouraging word; her genuine spirit is refreshing. Plus, she can change a bad day to great with one of her spontaneous and delicious meals. I’m serious, her food will make you drool.
Thanks Hannie for all you do to make my life easier and more fun! And yes, baby can’t wait to see you either :)
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