Mini Style File | Time to Play

 play morning at the indoor playground … tee, old navy | little man leggings, c/o doodlepants On Monday the kids and I pulled into the local indoor playground for a play date. They got to playing and I settled in on the couch waiting for our friends to arrive. Then they didn’t. I checked my […]

5 Ways to Survive a Toddler in a Cast

By no means am I an expert on little ones and casts. Max only had is on for 10 days. But, in that short time we did learn a few things to make his (and our) experience a little easier. With an arm cast, we immediately noticed that his under arm was getting roughed up […]

Max’s 1st Birthday Celebration

August flew by. It just flew. Max’s birthday and then surgery really filled up the days and I never got around to sharing about his birthday celebration! On his actual birthday we spent the morning at the market, then rode the bus around downtown (Jemma’s activity of choice for the day) and then met Pops […]

33/52, 34/52 & 35/52

 a portrait of my children, once a week, every week, in 2013  Jemma / / / Heading off to Mimi’s house during Max’s surgery and recovery. Max / / / Home from surgery. Thinks his cast is dumb. Jemma / / / Bubbles will lead you straight to her heart. Max / / / Ignoring […]

Max | 12 Months

Oh Bubba. A year old? Really? This past year has been a such a blessing. Such a joy. You have brought so much life into our family. So much laughter. Daddy and I couldn’t feel more honored to have you as our son. You’ve stretched me in so many ways – you’re making me a […]

29/52, 30/52, 31/52 & 32/52

Behind again, whatevs. At least the pictures are being taken. Uploading is just such a task these days. :: wipes brow in anguish ::  a portrait of my children, once a week, every week, in 2013  Jemma / / / Apparently someone watches mama put her sunnies on her head. Max / / / Hangin’ […]

Happy Birthday, Max!

I can’t write much more than, “Happy Birthday”, lest I collapse into a pile of mama tears. This havin’ kids thing makes me so sentimental! We’re heading downtown for lunch and a park visit to celebrate. Jemma requested that we ride the bus so we’ll probably park and ride from lunch to the playground.  Tonight, […]


 Attended the most beautiful bridal shower on Sunday – aren’t these centerpieces presh? And oh the macaroons that were there (not pictured, obviously because they were all eaten). Kind of obsessed with pistachio and almond ones.   Then today, we went swimming and saw a mermaid – Jemma was thrilled!   Chelsea commented on my […]

He’s a Mover and a Shaker

This post is part of a social shopper marketing insight campaign with Pollinate Media GroupĀ® and Huggies, but all my opinions are my own. #HuggiesSlipOn @pmedia  Max, he’s a mover and a shaker. So, when we’re out and about or tossin’ and turnin’ at night, I opt for a little extra protection in the […]

Max | 11 Months

Hey Bubs, Mama is kind of in denial about you being 11 months, just 30 days until THE BIG DAY. Your birthday! In so many ways you are still my squishy little baby. You love to snuggle, nurse and be close. Always. And I love it. Thanks for filling up my mama heart on the […]

27/52 & 28/52

 a portrait of my children, once a week, every week, in 2013  Jemma / / / She is the corkscrew queen. She launches off, swirls down and runs around to do it again. Max / / / “Look, Mama!” Crawlin’ on the grass! Jemma / / / She told me she was waiting for a […]