5 Reasons You’ll Love Visiting the American Girl Store

We booked our trip to Chicago to visit family before we knew it would fall during my first trimester. It was the steal of the year … like, we all flew, round trip for a few bucks over $500. Ya’ll Southwest is where it’s at! We had a grand ol’ time touring around Naperville, hitting up […]

Hello Second Trimester!

Oh my lanta.  That was rough. Well, it kind of still is (evening nausea anyone?), but I’m aiming to begin the start of the week, AND the start of my second trimester, with a brighter perspective and manageable to do list. And yay, you get to check it out, because what else would you want […]

The Best Foods of Disneyland

We went to Disneyland for so much more than the food, but, I will admit, it was a nice perk. I did my research beforehand (thank you, Pinterest) and set out with a list of things to try. Throughout our week we stumbled on a few of our own favorites and today, the full “report” […]

A Castle Full of Disneyland Outfits

Still living on the high from our 2015 Disneyland trip, Jemma and I spent almost a month planning our outfits for Disneyland this year. From tees, to jewelry, to ears, and, of course, princess dresses, we stuffed our suitcases and lived it up the whole time we were there. Hope you enjoy a few snapshots of […]

Disney-Inspired Favorites V.2

Check out the first round here! Lillian & Co. Bracelets — Um, hello! Aren’t these the most classy chic bracelets you ever did see? Such a subtle nod to Disney phrases and something you can easily wear to Disneyland and beyond. Anthology Candles — So these aren’t technically an accessory, but I’m going to say […]

Pre-Disney Vacation Fun

We decided to tell the kids about our Disneyland trip 30 days before departure day. I didn’t think I could handle the excitement and question overload for much more than that :) This has turned out to be wise planning on my part, it’s truly elongating the Disney magic without over doing it. Over the […]

The Gift of Adventure

No question, experience gifts are my favorite. They’re what I like to give and they’re what I like to receive! Because … they’re awesome and fun and the kind of present that stick with you for a lifetime. So much about gifting an adventure fits into what I’m striving for in life — less stuff […]

Disney-Inspired Favorites V.1

Last week we told the kids about our upcoming Disneyland trip! I planned a quick scavenger hunt with clues that led them these “You Are Going To Disneyland” certificates. It was a hit! Jemma freaked. Like rolling on the ground screaming. We even saw some happy tears! And, in true Max form, he rolled his […]

Alice + Catboy + Dragons, Oh My!

As I tucked Max into bed tonight he said, “Can tomorrow be Halloween too? Or is it next week?” Apparently someone thought trick or treating was a teensy bit fun! And, apparently we need to work on our concept of time! I had to break it to him that it would be a whole year, after he […]

Disneyland Pin Trading 101

When I started planning Jemma and I’s birthday getaway to Disneyland last year I was tipped off to pin trading. And boy am I happy we were! Outside of the pure magic of all things Disney, pin trading was our favorite activity of the whole trip.  If you want to give pin trading a try, […]

Disney Bound!

It’s true! Disneyland is in our near future!!! Again, you say? Well, yes. Disneyland makes me happy. I love it there. Jem loves it. And after our beyond magical experience last year I just couldn’t shake the idea that Daddy and the boys needed to join us so Jem could act as our official tour guide. Sooooooo, […]