Rainy Day Adventures with RoseArt Magic Fun Dough

Rainy season has begun in the Pacific Northwest. Thus, park play dates are few and far between. Even when we do go I have to take a spare towel or two to dry off the slide and swings! Because of the rain, us Northwest mamas have transitioned to what we know best – rainy day adventures.
When the weather sends us indoors it’s really easy to feel cooped up. I’m constantly on the lookout for activities that are both educational and fun to curb my kid’s energy. You know, the energy that doesn’t wane with the summer sunshine. Whether it be story time at the library or a bucket of sensory rice, I’m pretty much up for anything that keeps the whining at bay. And, fun activities tend to that almost magically.
I was so excited when I learned about a new product from RoseArt. It’s called Magic Fun Dough and is totally up my little crafter’s alley. Most of all, it DEFINITELY falls into the rainy day adventure category that I’m eager to fill. Thanks to RoseArt, Jemma and I were able to host a fabulous preschool play date with some little friends complete with a cozy lunch of mac ‘n cheese and a mama version of mac – this yummy pasta dish.

Jemma couldn’t wait for her friends to arrive this morning. She had been staring at the Magic Fun Dough since it arrived last week and was super anxious to begin playing. As soon as her friends arrived she led them to the dining table turned rainy day adventure table. We broke open the boxes and got to work on all the ins and outs of Magic Fun Dough.

This post was sponsored by RoseArt

Watch this 46 second video to see RoseArt’s Magic Fun Dough in action – it will make much more sense to see it live than to grasp how it works in still photos.

Hunter + Jemma had a blast “tattooing” their dough and pretending with their characters. I love nothing more than watching this preschooler’s imaginations. The pouring tea and exploding volcano were both big hits. Toss in their conversation about their creations and I kind of bubble over with joy. Kids are awesome. Especially threenagers.

So, Magic Fun Dough … at just 3 years old the simple steps made for a perfect activity. The mamas showed the kids what to do just once and away they went!

  1. Choose your dough color
  2. Roll it out – “flat like a pancake” we said :)
  3. Choose your transfer … oh so many choices! And, extra transfer packs sell for right around $5, perfect stocking stuffers!
  4. Lay the transfer on top of the dough and apply the water pen
  5. Push down with the included press for one minute – we sang songs while we pressed to pass the time!
  6. Pick your cutter, align, press and just like that, you’ve got a cute little fairy or dinosaur to add to the the tea party or volcano scene
  7. Best of all, when the kids were ready for another round of transfers they simply squashed their dough and massaged their first picture until it disappeared.
  8. Boom! Ready to begin again!

While the munchkins played, Jamie and I had a chance to catch up. Our circles have crossed various times over the years, but we didn’t become true friends until she moved away and we both began blogging. Now our kiddos are all the same age and we always have mountains of things to chat about :) Although Jamie and her family live in Mexico (they’re missionaries with YWAM!) and don’t experience as many rainy days as I do, they do travel quite a bit and rainy day activities and traveling activities tend to fall in the same bucket. So, as a little thank you for joining us on our rainy day adventure we sent Hunter + Madison home with little rainy day packs – coloring, a puzzle and snacks. No doubt though, Magic Fun Dough was the activity winner – I have a feeling we’ll be tattooing a lot of dough this winter!

Looking for a birthday or Christmas gift for the preschooler in your life? You can find RoseArt’s Magic Fun Dough on Amazon as well as Walmart and Target (in the craft area). And last but not least, RoseArt has a wonderful sweepstakes going on! There is a simple little form over on Facebook featuring some fabulous prizes and flash giveaways – take a peek!

How do you and your preschooler fill the rainy days with fun?

Disclaimer: This post was sponsored by RoseArt, but had we not had a blast with Magic Fun Dough I wouldn’t have shared it with ya’ll! Magic Fun Dough was the perfect activity for our rainy day adventure – thanks RoseArt!

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  1. says

    we had so much fun today. thanks for having us over and feeding us and letting my children destroy your playroom. :)

  2. says

    Of course! It was so fun having you over :)

  3. says

    What a fun playdate!! I love the magic dough tattoos. That is ingenious!

  4. says

    That is so awesome! Dustyn would love it!

  5. says

    It looks like you guys had so much fun at your play date! Alea LOVED the tea party one!

  6. says

    Looks like fun, this is something my kiddos would love!

  7. says

    Oh my gosh, I love how you sectioned off a portion of the table for each child; so smart! I may have to do that for my girls since they are terrible about sharing and steal each other's toys all the time!

  8. says

    How cute! Love the personalized spots! They look like they enjoyed playing with those RoseArt kits so much! ;)