JUNE 2012: PNW Blogger Meet Up

Thanks to Instagram I’ve go a lovely little splash of pictures to share from the Pacific Northwest Blogger Meet Up I attended in Portland on Friday night …

adorable photo booth banner | the sweet Mandey from Mama and the Dudes | photo scavenger hunt … Boho Mama‘s shoes | The Paper Mama and I, she planned this awesome event … AMAZING! | all the gals | the Lucky Lab on Hawthorne | pretty name tags | meet-up style | I won a giveaway from Roxana of Grace & Stella … lucky :)

We met at The Lucky Lab on Hawthorne and snacked on yummy salad and sandwiches while we visited. All the attendees got fabulous swag bags – I mean, fab.u.lous. So many treats! I met some super ladies who I’ve known online for awhile and got to know some new gals too.

Here’s everyone who came … when you need some blog hoppin’ time, definitely check them all out!

Oh, and the Paper Mama announced the next meet-up today … November 3rd in Portland. Mark your calendars, ladies! You won’t want to miss it!

AND … a special thanks to Mostaza Seed Graphics for my blog business cards – I love them!

… Oh so many ways to follow along …
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  1. says

    Oh Yeah! I keep forgetting Mandy from Mama & the Dudes moved up to Portland! I recognized her tattoo! it's so awesome what we associate people with through their blogs. Did you end up wearing your wedges?I feel like I know so many of the ladies there, through following their blogs the past couple of years. What all did you get in your swag bags? and your necklace… gorgeous!

  2. SadieDear says

    Girl, I think everyone but the Dirty South ladies (moi) got to go to a meet up of some variety this weekend. And, you probably already knew it, but I think the PNW ladies know better how to party than any of the others. I'm thinking of moving… ;)

  3. ThatMamaGretchen says

    You should move or at least plan a visit! We would welcome you with open arms up here :)

  4. ThatMamaGretchen says

    I skipped on the wedges and went with boots – it was a good thing because the room got pretty warm and me + heat = wedge necessary balance! I need to share about our bags – some of my favorites included earrings from Mama Mandolin and Baby Bliss Designs, GelaSkins giftcard, Remember Miro notebook, coupons for Nancy's and Soy Delicious ….. so much awesomeness!

  5. SadieDear says

    That would be awesome! On my way!

  6. Mandy@ a sorta fairy says

    That was such a fun night!!

  7. says

    It was so good to finally meet you my dear and now be real-life friends and not just bloggy friends, although that's fun too :) Yay!

  8. ThatMamaGretchen says

    Seriously! I keep thinking … I know her in real life :) Pretty lame though that I'm farther away :( You and the family will just need to stay with us when you make your way north for a Seattle meet up!

  9. Aleisha R. says

    YOU are such a love and are so adorable! It was so nice to meet you!!

  10. ThatMamaGretchen says

    It was great to meet you too!


  1. […] weaning experience which included a video over at Code Name: Mama. JUNE kicked off with the Pacific Northwest Blogger Meet Up … LOVED IT! I wrote a post about anticipating birth for a second time and celebrated my […]