Call it crazy, call it love …

I’ve been thinking through all of the things to include when I write my birth story. With such a long labor … have I mentioned it was 40 hours … it might need to come in sections :) Labor rolled into those first few days which are already starting to feel like a fog. But before the fog completely takes over I wanted to give an official shout out to my Mom, Jemma’s Mimi.
She spent the first week with Dominic, Jemma and I. And when I say “spent” I mean served her tail off. She cooked, cleaned, ran errands, did laundry and woke up with me at all hours of the night. It was kind of like there was another me at my house, but she was a better version of me. She slept on the floor at the end of our bed on a foam mat for a week just so she could help with nursing, burping and diaper changes. Yep, stellar mom. And don’t be jealous either, I know how blessed I am.
Last weekend she came down to visit (and to help prepare for our Harvest Open House) so Dominic and I decided to treat her to a night on the town! Well, it was just happy hour, but night on the town sounds much more fabulous. We took her to Oba, a ritzy Mexican place. When we arrived we hopped onto the barstools and ordered the most amazing queso and salsa-topped burgers. Seriously, if you are ever in Portland you have to go to Oba. Freakin’ fabulous. It’s pretty much my new favorite.
Anyways, happy hour doesn’t seem like enough to thank my Mom. Neither does a blog post. I’m going to need to think of something else … but, seriously, how do you repay someone who births you, bends over backwards for 24 years making your life great AND THEN sleeps on the floor for a week just to be close to you when you need them?
I’m starting to think these things are just part of being a mom. I would do these things for Jemma which is why I think my Mom does these things for me. Call it crazy, call it love, call it being a mom. All I know is  I adore my Mom and hope to become a mom just like her. Then Jemma can be the luckiest, just like me!
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  1. says

    That is so great. What a beautiful relationship you must have with your mom!!

  2. says

    Hi! So nice to meet you and thank you for entering my giveaway – Good luck! :) This was a sweet story :)

  3. says

    That is amazing!!! By the way love the new blog setup!

  4. says

    Seriously shedding a tear right now! I love it. You are one super blessed chica!

  5. says

    so sweet. love it.

  6. says

    Out of the billions of moms and daughters in the world, I'm so thankful that God put us together! It is an honor to be your MOM, and I love you so much. And I loved sleeping on the floor to help you…but, let's call that "foam mat" the "Mimi mat"…sounds so much more fun!!