This + That

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I kind of abandoned my blog this fall. Homeschooling and freelance has taken my time and mental energy and well, that’s the beauty of blogging … you can pop in and out as it suits your life season. I’m hoping the new year will bring some more writing here though, maybe even some more organization. We shall see!

Until then, here’s a little this and that …

My journaling Bible (currently on sale!), I have high hopes for working in it more this coming year.

Until the 31st, if you sign up for Stitch Fix you’ll get a $40 credit on your first box (instead of the normal $25). There is no ongoing subscription and no trying to remember to cancel anything so it’s pretty much like getting a new piece of clothing for free!

imomsohard cracks me up. Every time.

You’re not failing, mama

10 Things To Say Instead of Stop Crying

If Disney is on your radar for the coming year, here’s my ever-growing travel and Disney souvenir list

I adore this children’s book! So much so that my mama bought it for me for Christmas :)

Love a good reading list and these 12 look like great picks for the New Year.

One mom’s febrile seizure account. We haven’t experienced these, thankfully, but being aware of what they are like will hopefully make one less scary if it ever does happen.

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  1. says

    Hi there! Thanks a lot for sharing all these information.