Free Tree Tracker For the 150 Hours Outside Project

I recently stumbled upon a fabulous “challenge” of sorts on Instagram — the 150 Hours  Outside Project. This sort of thing is totally up my alley and I immediately clicked through the hashtag to learn more. 

#150hoursoutside was started by Leah McDermott of Your Natural Learner. All the details are here <<< read it :) Bottom line though, get outside more with your kids this year!

Seeing that it’s April already I’m a little behind in starting this annual challenge, but better late than never, right?

The Facebook community surrounding this project (over 8,000 strong!) is tallying cumulative hours spent outside each week. To do that we’re all tracking hours individually; such a fun way to involve the kids! Inspired by @tiffanykundmueller I created a tree to log each 30 minute span we spend outdoors. After reading the comments on her post it seems this tree idea is an inspiration upon inspiration with credit going to @mama.journals, @feral_n_free, and some others that have been floating around Facebook … if that’s you, let me know and I’ll add a link to your tree too! I recreated and scanned our tree before we begin personalizing ours in case some of you mamas would like to join the 150 Hours Outside Project too! Now you can skip making your own tree tracker and get outside! Simply print through the link below!

 150 Hours Outside Tree Tracker

Print the #150hoursoutside tree tracker here

A few notes …

Each leaf represents 30 minutes. I did make this at almost midnight while watching Chicago Fire so let’s say there are approximately 300 leaves. I think I counted right but it could be one or two off, I didn’t double check.

In the blank space you can personalize your tracker with a title “The _______ Family’s 150 Hour Outside Project Tracker” or simple write “#150houroutside” so you remember to share and hashtag your photos when you get outside! 

Tiffany added a fun temperature element to her tree. Add a color coordinating weather key if you’d like! 91 degrees + = red, 81-90 degrees = orange, 71-80 degrees = yellow, 61-70 degrees = green, 51-60 degrees = blue, 41-50 degrees = purple, less than 40 degrees = pink

Happy adventuring outside with your kids! 

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