Journal Prompts That Make Homeschool Writing Fun — FREE PRINTABLE!

In the world of homeschooling I am such a beginning. 

Not even two years in. And these two years have been full of so much! 

Next year I’ll be adding a second child to Bossio Elementary, and I think that will throw a whole new element into our not-yet-settled routine. Pretty much, what we do can largely be described as “trial and error”. Poor Jem is my guinea pig in every sense of the word. Still, we’re enjoying the flexibility and fun that homeschooling provides, and so, we’re pressing on.

As I discover things that work well I’m planning to share here. It probably won’t be often. Most of the brilliant things we love are Pinterest-inspired. But, every now and again I pull together something on my own … and creative journal prompts are one of those pretty good ideas.

Journal Prompts - Free Printable

Last year I ordered this journal for Jemma. It’s perfect for early elementary because each page is only half lined so with each entry you get space to illustrate and space to write. In typical journal fashion, most entries chronicled something we did or were planning to do. And that’s all well and good. Except for the fact that we do a lot of the same things! Thus, daily journaling turned into something to check off the list, and that wasn’t very fun.

Enter journal prompts!

I brainstormed a list of creative questions and now she picks something that sounds inspiring or I toss out a number and she finds that prompt to spark her daily entry. Now, journaling is one of her favorite things to do each day and reading her thoughts is one of mine! 

We tuck this list of journal prompts in her homeschool binder for easy reference and you’re welcome to download and print a copy of it for your little writers! Enjoy!

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