Five Favorites: New Year Edition


Hola from E and me!

Is he not just the sweetest dumpling? I can assure you he smells, feels, and sounds just as precious as he looks …#boymomforlife. I got all sappy the other day thinking that someday it’s just going to be me and him at home someday (Dom too, but you know what I mean). I’m going to spoil this little one rotten! We’ll have mother son date nights and travel wherever he wants and I’ll probably drive him bonkers shopping for his dorm room. Hold me ya’ll, I’m going to get real crazy in about 18 years when my littlest little tries to fly the nest.

That’s the rough thing about the new year. It gets you thinking about the future. Generally, I love and adore the future. That’s where the fun is. That’s where memories are waiting to be made. But then I think about turning grey and my crow’s feet sinking deeper AND MY BABIES GROWING UP and that, I cannot handle. 

Whichhhhhhh brings me simpler things. Like a fresh round of favorites for new year’s stuff like planning and being comfortable :) Enjoy!

I’ve yet to tackle bullet journalling for me, but Jemma and I are starting one dedicated to her homeschool tasks. She chose this pretty one and we both love it! These pens are our go to. Fine tip for life!

Our 2018 calendar. Jem and I will for sure be framing some of the artwork for her room once the months pass.

And my planner, it’s gold. Literally.

Can we all agree that real pants are overrated? This year is all about embracing the stretch :) My favorite thick, black leggings (the kind that are appropriate beyond my home’s four walls) got a hole in the bum recently so I went on a hunt for a replacement. These ones from Madewell (on sale for $25!) and these ones from Albion Fit are both A+.

While I’m cozy in my leggings, the kids have their own mode of comfort — Hanna Andersson pajamas. No doubt the best. We’re weaning out all other pjs and stocking up when they have their $15 sales because who has time for cheap jams when you can get quality, organic ones that last and last? Not I. Not this year. I am curious about Leveret though, have you tried those?

 Affiliate links included. Don’t miss other faves in my curated Amazon shop!

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