Annual Mother’s Day Interview

zoo kids

I know Mother’s Day was a good month or so ago, but I totally forgot about posting our annual interview. And, what’s a month late in the long run? Nothin’ absolutely nothin’!

For Mother’s Day we went to the Pacific Science Center, but shortly after Mother’s Day I took the kids to the zoo. That was our just mama and the kids trip. Jem and Max were big fans of making animal faces. If you ask me, they are quite the little impressionists! ^^^ Fierce tiger + serious wolf award def go to those two. ^^^ Reid loved the reindeer most of all. He’s MIA from this year’s interview though since is current vocab doesn’t really suite answering questions. By next year I bet he’ll have a lot to jabber about!

Handing the mike to Jem now, the 6 1/2 year old sweetheart …

How old is your mom? Why are you asking that, don’t you know? You’re THIRTY!

What is her favorite color? You have kind of a lot – blue, green, black.

What does she like to do? Blog projects, take care of your kids, and cooking, that’s mostly your life. You like to bake.

What is her favorite food? You like salad. And toast, you like toast. Tacos. Bananas. 

What books does your mommy like to read? Laura Ingalls Wilder books.

What time does she go to bed? Depends on how much work you have. And depends on what time Reid guest bed.

What is your favorite thing about her? That you love me so much!

I love my mom because … because she’s so sweet to me. Like kind.

My mom is good at … blog projects and cooking. 

If I could give my mom any present I would give her … flowers and a card.

What do you want to tell your mom on Mother’s Day? I love you soooooo much!

When you are a mommy, what do you want you want to name your baby? I have a lot of names! Violet, Rose, Rosalind, Reuben, Henry, Rosa, Lottie, and many, many more, I have a whole list upstairs! 

And then, Max, he’s seriously  hoot. And a trouble maker. And a favorite of so many. You just can’t not love this one! Emotionally he’s struggling a bit with his transition to big brother (again) while still falling in line as Jem’s little brother. I don’t doubt that it’s hard for him and we’re working to make life stable and calm despite his efforts to drive us all bonkers. But, I mean, how can you not adore this funny almost 5 year old?!?

How old is your mom? Oh, um, I keep forgetting! And I don’t really want to do this right now. Maybe ask Jemma, she knows a lot of stuff …

What is her favorite color? Pink, it just is, OK!

What does she like to do? Cuddle with your son. Yes, he calls himself “son” often right now :)

What is her favorite food? Everything because you’ve tried a lot of things before

What books does your mommy like to read? I don’t know anyfing about that. And I really need to focus on playing my cars. Because I love my cars.

What time does she go to bed? 5 o’clock

What is your favorite thing about her? Oh mama, can you just give me some focus to play these cars! Fine. I like coloring you.

I love my mom because … I just do! 

My mom is good at … reading. But really, just stop it. I’m focusing.

If I could give my mom any present what would you give her … Like, a reading book because you really love reading. That’s it.

What do you want to tell your mom on Mother’s Day? I’m going to make you a sticker project for Mudder’s Day. Because you are my berry best mudder in the whole world. But I need you to stop talking to me. I need a break. I’m going to play in the hideout.

2014 interview2015 interview, and 2016 interview :) They’ve grown up so much!


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