A Vintage Barn Wedding

Remember my sister’s wedding from last Fall? Well, it totally slipped my mind to share the official photos once they arrived! From none other than LCS Photography, of course! They perfectly capture the crisp, November day and the beautiful bond between Hannah and Aaron.

Since the big day they’ve moved to Fort Benning in Georgia – the drive was the first part of the honeymoon I suppose – and have enduring Aaron’s officer training. Now, they’re in the midst of Ranger School – Aaron just passed the mountain phase and we are extremely proud (if you’ve watched the documentary, Making the Cut, you’ll see why). Airborne comes next and by their first anniversary they’ll be moving to Texas! Talk about a FULL first year of marriage!

On to the nuptials …

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Don’t you just love Hannah’s dress? The pockets and the pretty belt? Best of all, she paid less than $200 for everything because the dress was, in fact, a white bridesmaid dress. WHAT?!? Genius bride points there!

Hannah and my Mom made or thrifted just about everything for the decor – the signs, the typewriter, the banners, the dishes and vases. That basket of letters was on display at the wedding too – it held all their love letters from Aaron’s weeks in Basic; such a cherished part of their relationship! Mom and Hannah even made all the bundt cakes in the months preceding the wedding and froze them. You would have never known once they thawed and fresh icing was drizzled on top.

Can you believe the weather? It was November 26th – just two days before Thanksgiving and there wasn’t a spot of rain or wind. Clear and gorgeous, the only time we got a chill was after the sunset and then we all put on our matching cardigans :)

Last, but not last, a very special thanks to Simply Bridal and Haddon & Co for sponsoring the bridesmaid dresses and Max’s bowtie and suspenders!

We’re thrilled to have Aaron as part of the family. But of course, kinda sorta hate that they live so far away now. Boo for long distance family. Yeah for Skype and FaceTime! We’re hoping to trek to Texas for a visit once they’re settled there this winter though so that’s something to look forward to! Not sure if Dom will have time off work so it could turn into Gretchen + kids + all the things alone in the airport. Send preemptive prayers!

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  1. says

    Such a wonderful wedding. It's simple yet so elegant. Love the bride makeup and dress.