The No Splash OREO Dunk

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Max had one wish for his half birthday — OREO cookies for dessert! 

Specifically, “da brown crackers with whipped cream in the middle”. It took me a minute to realize what he was hoping for, but then it clicked! OREOS! Of course! Who wouldn’t want those for a celebration!


And yes, we totally celebrate half birthdays, because with little ones, reaching those benchmarks is a big deal! Especially when they grow and change so much in six month’s time. 

His request timed perfectly because our family was asked to participate in the OREO Dunk Challenge! We rolled into our local Walmart over the weekend and picked up a family pack of OREOS and proceeded to host a fun little challenge at home. 


Everyone had their own style for our OREO Dunk Challenge …

Jemma perfected the “Dip and Soak”. Such a lady!

Reid skipped the dunk and when straight for the “Mouse Nibble” holding is OREO with two hands and shaving away crumbs with his top teeth.

Max asked to dunk in water because he doesn’t like milk and then proceeded to show us all that he could fit an entire OREO in his mouth at once.

I went with the classic “Double Dunk”, as did Mimi.

Daddy though, he took it to a whole new level with everyone’s favorite — the “High Speed, Twist and No Splash Dunk“. And yes, I very much appreciated that he emphasized no splashing because when the kids try to re-create his moves I can only imagine the potential mess.


After the dunking fun, Daddy launched into the second “challenge” … twisting each OREO cookie and trying to guess which side the cream would stick too. Max got such a kick out of it yelling, “Left! No, no, I guess right!” So, needless to say, our OREO purchase gave us quite the round of lunchtime fun!



Want to join in the dunking fun? Tag your Instagram and Twitter photos with #OREODunkSweepstakes for a chance to win a VIP dunking experience with Christina Aguilera or Shaquille O’Neal in NYC or LA! Complete rules and regulations here.

And last, but not least, how do YOU dunk?

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  1. says

    This is good marketing lol. I don’t really like Oreo-like cookies (soft-baked are my favorite) but it sounds so good I actually added gluten free oreo-knock-offs to my list for later today!!

    • Gretchen says

      We hadn’t had them in awhile and they’re totally hitting the spot! Such a classic treat!