I bought myself flowers at Trader’s Joes yesterday, because, well, $3.99! And flowers make home happier. I really love having fresh flowers around and should probably keep them on my perpetual grocery shopping list. Especially the jewel-toned Fall variety … they’re just gorgeous!
The tomatoes went on this pasta dish and the power juice is for a new smoothie I’m testing out! If all goes well, I’ll definitely share. The huge tub of chocolate chip cookie dunkers? Those are for the kids the mom.
Now, before I jump in the shower, start reading about mummies and pyramids (homeschool history this week!), and eat half that tub of cookies here’s a peek at what I wrote over at mom.me this month of your morning reading!
4 Words Every Child Needs To Hear
Have you said them? I’m getting better at it and it’s making such a difference.
If You Thought the Terrible Twos Were Bad, Just Wait Until Three …
I try to keep things pretty positive, but man, three WORKED me. Especially Max at three. Man, am I glad we’re slowly but surely closing the chapter on that dramatic year.
5 Secret Perks of Breastfeeding in the Middle of the Night
They might not be super secret, but sometimes when you’re tired you dig deep for the silver lining. Do you agree with these? Have any perks of your own from those still and silent midnight moments?
Hey Breastfeeding Moms, There’s No Hurry To Start Solid Foods!
I like easy things. Things like rhymes with valuable lessons. “Food is fun until they’re one” is one of my favorites and the perfect ditty to chant from 6-12 months when/if you feel stressed about how much/little your baby is eating.
The flowers you picked are beautiful. So not looking forward when my daughter turn three. š I have been nursing my daughter for more than a year and love it. I nursed my first daughter for two years.
It’s nice to treat yourself once in a while. I had two older kids and an 18 month old but I still remember the threenager stage so I feel for you on that
I’m with you on the fresh flowers. They are on my list of things I will always have in my house if I win the lottery. : )